How to get close to God during Ramadan

Ramadan month

Fadlallah Ozmana on Azman and days on days to realize human where the importance of time, and started the month of Ramadan virtue months, and more which is good, and urged its people to obey it, so for Ramadan, especially in the history of the Muslim position, because they believe that the first thing that was revealed the Quran, was revealed the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him much of the night, in the month of Ramadan in which the people must improve their exploitation.

                           How, to ,get, close ,to ,God ,during, Ramadan
The great virtues of Ramadan, every Muslim should be exploited very well, the doors of heaven open, and close the fire doors, so the Muslim must it succeeds himself, and draw closer to God because God forgives those fasting belief and anticipation.

He says (the month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Koran guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and the Criterion month, you saw it, then let him) This verse indicates the virtue of the month of Ramadan and ask people who they are witnessing fast and Ihsan exploit.

The ordinances of Islam are considered tests of the insured person, the more Hajj is considered difficult is fasting Fasting is not completed only by curbing self for all the bad things, and so the individual identifies himself, and on its ability to Bohoaih control, Ramadan is the month of forgiveness, and compassion.

Tips to get closer to God during Ramadan

  • Sincere repentance, which should be by moving away from sin, and regret it, and not to refer to them, and the replacement business unfit good work that earn wages.
  • Continue to perform all the statutes, and redundancy in all the days of Ramadan.
  • Kalsama maintain the senses, and the sight of seeing disadvantaged and hear.
  • Continue to perform prayers in the mosque; because the reward for prayer in the mosque is the largest, in order to multiply good deeds in Ramadan.
  • Read as much of the Koran pages in each day of Ramadan in order to seal more than once, because that increases the association with God and his words.
  • Maintaining links uterus throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims and share their joys and sorrows, so that such participation is greater than the normal days.
  • Continue to mention God, and his praise for the duration of the month of Ramadan, and continue to chant reciting the morning and evening, even the person protects himself from all evil, or imprecision could keep him on the right path in Ramadan.
  • Donation breakfast for some of the needy in order to earn wage iftaar these people, offering alms to the poor even if they are few, because they will be in the balance of good deeds.
  • Attention to the presence of religion lessons that are prepared on a daily basis throughout the month of Ramadan to take advice and transmit the enthusiasm of breath to continue to worship and draw closer and kindness to people.
  • I'tikaaf the last ten days of Ramadan, because God in the days to respond to those who requested, and supports the calls, prayers and bring everyone in the case evoke the intention and certainty during the prayer.


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