What are the types of hadith

the talk

Is all that is linked to the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - to say, and he did, and description, and the report, and handed down companions, people reliable than their sincerity among themselves, and relied on the support of the narrators talking until he reached the Muslims in all ages. Months talking books that contained the correct conversations, including: True Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and also: Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Sunan and women, and Musnad Ahmad.

          What, are ,the, types, of ,hadith

The types of conversations

Types of hadith depends on the nature of their sources, and how to access them, and these types:


Is the modern attributed to God, and quoted the Prophet - peace be upon him - with attributable, which is different from the Koran, begins the modern shrine text, grocer Prophet - peace be upon him - his novel of the word of God, and the Holy Quran to the word and meaning of God Almighty, and the hadith Qudsi Vlfezh of the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and the meaning of God Almighty.


Derived from the word lift, which indicates the high place of the Prophet - peace be upon him - and talk report is all that is issued by the Prophet - peace be upon him - from: say, or do, or recipe, and has two types, namely:
  • Declarative: it is all said or done, or report issued by the Prophet - peace be upon him - explicitly, and added the narrator, for example: I heard or saw the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -.
  • Estoppel: Is the talk which was added by the narrator of the companions of the Prophet - peace be upon him - not explicitly either orally, or act, or report, for example: to tell, or do Companion something they were doing it in the prophet - peace be upon a time him - and proved that speech Sharif.


Is a modern assigned to one of the companions, whether in word or deed, or a report, and related or interrupted attribution to him, and called Palmoukov due to stop at a companion, and not to raise it to the Prophet - peace be upon him - and, if his rule strengthens proved, even though he does not need for him.


What is narrated from the followers, said or done, and knows that a Muslim who Tabi been companions, did not meet the Prophet - peace be upon him - and depends on his judgment attributable, and lifted when his novel.

the correct

Is the modern Sindh who contacted a trusted source, it is true, and devoid of any ailments, or contraindications, and when you hear all the related Rao from his novel of the right to a Sindh companions who preceded him, and be handed down two ways, namely:
  • Saved by heart: Is the talk by the companion and save it by heart to hear, and transferred to a reliable person.
  • Writing: are heard talking and writing in a book, keeping it, and protect it from distortion and damage. And the whole Islamic scholars that the modern right is a reference must be adhered to and work in it.


Is a modern non-Hassan, due to the multiplicity of ways his novel, and may be one of the narrators or all of the liars, and is trusted, and may be the reason for the weakness of the modern is not to save the text well, or move the wrong way from one person to another.


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