How to perform Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan

Tarawih prayers

Tarawih prayers also known prayers of the night in Ramadan, is one of the prayers fasts in Islam The ruling is a confirmed Sunnah for everyone, men and evening, pray only during the nights of Ramadan, time is after the evening prayers and continue her time to the pre-dawn (at the time of Suhoor), Muslim can pray at the mosque or home group or other, has been prompted by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to do Ramadan and the Taraweeh prayers, he said, peace be upon him: (who Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his sins). The Prophet prayed God bless him and Tarawih group in the first three nights at the fourth night was delayed by the fear of becoming imposed on Muslims and can not afford them.

              How ,to ,perform, Taraweeh ,prayers ,in, Ramadan

Its virtues

  • Tarawih prayer rule in uncertain and unpleasant, and its virtues is like the superiority of the night, but many times; because worship in Ramadan punishable with the largest and highest grade from the days of a normal year.
  • As I said Taraweeh prayers are of great acts of worship performed by the servant to draw closer to God Almighty.
  • Taraweeh prayers in the last third of every night during Ramadan has a great reward by Allah.
  • Tarawih prayers with the group best for the believer, more goodness and blessing. 


  • Prophet, peace be upon him eleven rak'ahs: a ten rakahs sokka and rak water per night, and because it was rakah This prolongs the recitation was take him the whole night.
  • Many scientists say that the Taraweeh prayers is 20 rak'ah of these scientists owners Hanafi, and Shafi'i, and Hanbali school.
  • The owners of the Maliki school say they are 36 rak, hence we infer that the Taraweeh prayers do not have a certain number of the recitation, it wanted to pray 11 rak'ah and extends the recitation such as the Prophet, peace be upon him he may do so, and wanted to increase it in any number he may do so also where It does not harm than good and increase of worship to get closer to God that was normal for the night or the night of the month of Ramadan.

We can infer that the Tarawih prayer is tied after is that Ibn 'Umar said that a man asked the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him from the night prayer Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (night prayers two by two, if he feared one of you waxing prayed one rak'ah tension him what may pray). As the Prophet, peace be upon him explained to us how to perform the night prayer, including the Tarawih prayer, a two by two they have not restricted the number and this is Alorad the Prophet peace be upon him.


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