How do I take advantage of my time in the month of Ramadan

Preferred month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of good things and times blessed, this month comes once a year, a month chosen by Allah from among the various months to be a mercy for the people, has been associated with the month of Ramadan, one of the best acts of worship in Islamic law which is the worship of fasting, which comes in third place after my worship prayer and zakat, this worship is working on refining the same rights recognized, and clean it, which suspended him during the year of the sins and the sins of different.

Wages in the holy month of Ramadan multiply constantly, and business in this month is better than the rest of the months, for this, the Muslim conscious to take this month a great opportunity to reach through it to the highest levels, and achieve the aspirations of obedience and reward and mercy descend upon him and his family, but also on the nation too, Here are some ways acts that man can be exploited by the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
                  How do I take, advantage, of, my, time, in, the, month, of ,Ramadan

Use of time in the month of Ramadan

  • Before it enters the holy month of Ramadan on the Muslim must count all the activities that he must do, and that regulates its time for a full month in advance, so that it can take advantage of all the time during this holy month. Everyone knows, for example, how will spiral in the month of Ramadan, also, everyone also knows what the duties performed committed in this month through the customs and traditions, and through different times of worship, hence, every Muslim must be able to develop a comprehensive agenda for the days of the holy month.
  • The Muslim should take a rest at certain times of the day, Valrahp very required in order for a person to perform acts of worship that is concentrated mostly in the night time, between breakfast and the dawn prayer, this period includes Taraweeh prayers and vigils, which Muslims by waiting for much of the night .
  • Non-virtuous only fasting and prayer business inventory, but must be human society to serve in this month and in other months, by doing all that is virtuous and good, as it should be recognized a lot of donations this month, and can be assigned amount for charity by the the poor and the needy; so this amount is divided by the days of the holy month and nights, so to do so river neighbor of good deeds, and that it is necessary in this blessed month that the Muslim to visit his relatives, link the ties of kinship, and away from the work of the vices and the characteristics of the business and Aqbihatha.


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