Tips for smokers in the month of Ramadan

            Tips ,for, smokers, in ,the, month ,of ,Ramadan

To avoid nerve and the effects of the lack of nicotine in the body, and most important of these tips: eat rich in potassium and magnesium, which are considered the most important minerals that work to calm the nerves, and the most important foods rich in them dates, cherries, lettuce, as they limit the effect of nicotine in the body.

And also unsaturated fatty acids improved mental state, they also protect against cancers, and strengthen the immune system against diseases, especially respiratory and lung system diseases, which threaten the health of the smoker is Khas.oimkn get unsaturated of olives, nuts and fish oil fatty acids, which are advised to address them Three times a week the breakfast, and contrary to what is commonly, the fish do not cause thirst, but if you add large amounts of salt to it.

The negative effects of smoking is a lack of vitamin "C" and "A" and folic acid, which affects the immune system and weakens it, especially lack of vitamin "C", which increases the sense of thirst, and therefore nervousness increased tension when Almdechn.olzlk must be a smoker eating rich food such vitamins and minerals, such as natural orange juice rich in vitamin "c" and whole grains rich in vitamin "a".

It is also known that the rise in the proportion of blood, high blood pressure from the negative effects of smoking cholesterol, so be careful to avoid eating trapping any of them, such as fast food, which contain unsaturated fatty acids, to avoid high blood pressure, thereby increasing the tension.

The final advice that can be offered to all smokers in general are exercising regularly, as it works to regulate the heart and breathing, and reduces the body's desire in more nicotine.


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