What is the damage and cons of wine

          What, is ,the,damage, and ,cons ,of, wine

What is the harm of alcohol

Considered the damages caused by drinking alcohol, even if the simple amount or a lot more than its benefits, as is common in Western countries, who say that the alcoholic beverages and wine daily intake protects against heart disease, this is not true, he says (they ask you about alcohol and gambling Say them is a great sin and benefits for the people of the largest and Atmanma will benefit them, and they ask why they spend less Amnesty also shows you the verses of God, that ye may Taatvkron) cow 219

As well as it narrated by Ibn Hibban that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: "May God curse the winery and mustache and legs and Msagaha and seller, and Mptalla and grapes etc and Matzaretha and bearer phones Ouakl him and for them."

Alcohol and alcohol damage

  • 1. Sharp gets alcohol in a state of euphoria and pleasure are not worthy of him and the way ugly scene.
  • 2. Change in the way of speech and pronunciation of letters and some words seem scrawny person.
  • 3. person may fluctuate feeling toward others of a decent human being hostile to humans may lead to the commission of a crime. Sharp 4.asab alcohol visual and mental Blhlosh.
  • 5 .asab Sharp alcohol continuous vomiting which the body loses a lot of useful elements.
  • 6. Sharp alcohol be more prone to tooth decay and loss with time.
  • 7. The increase in secretions, especially from the mouth, eyes and nose.
  • 8. weakness in the genitals.
  • 9. frequent injury constipated.
  • 10. Balenzlat chronic intestinal infection.
  • 11. pain in the joints and atrophy of the brain cells and corruption.
  • 12 injured in failure and liver fibrosis, where the liver can not take out toxins.
  • 13. affect children born of parents drink alcohol so that the child be impaired physical infrastructure and the corruption of morals and an increase in exposure to disease.
  • 14 .akon at risk of infections Aodmorh the optic nerve, which leads to blindness.
  • 15. be more susceptible to epileptic convulsions and brain.
  • 16. Drinking alcohol is a major cause of infertility in women and men.
  • 17. Drinking alcohol leads to high blood pressure and the more Zadeh quantity increases the pressure and the occurrence of frenzy, which could lead to an explosion of an artery in the brain may lead to partial or total paralysis.
  • 18. It may be the cause of stomach ulcers and congestion in the reproductive organs.
  • 19. people addicted to alcohol are suffering from the fall in social relations and their lack of confidence and a health standpoint does not respond to anesthesia in cases of treatment of a particular disease.


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