What types of hadith

                        What ,types, of, hadith

the talk

Is all about the transfer of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to say, or do, or report, or recipe, whether or congenital defects, or biography. The hadith is very important in the religion of Islam as it is the second source of legislation is Islamic provisions after the Koran, the Hadith may include the provisions of the legislation is present Qur'an, or comes a detailed explanation of the provisions mentioned Qur'an.

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The types of conversations

Most things are relied upon in the division conversations into different types, such as reliance on Sindh and board, any chain of narrators who transferred hadith to us, based on the extent of Slaham and their faith and their closeness to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and how Mlazemthm him, and the types of conversations, as follows: 
  • Hadith Qudsi: a modern attributed to God, which transported the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him on the lips of God Almighty, that means attributed to God and pronunciation attributed to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and the Muslim must act upon it from the provisions of and legislation.
  • Modern right: It is reported speech from the Prophet peace be upon him bond properly without any error or anomaly, Froath of piety and righteousness owners, and does not violate the Koran, it is the duty of a Muslim to work as stated right and sticking to it by talking, and examples of the modern right sources: True Muslim, true Bukhari, Muwatta.
  • Hassan talk: talk is narrated from the Prophet peace be upon him bond properly but adjusts less than modern right tuning, and examples of the modern right sources: the mosque, and Sunan and Musnad.
  • Hassan talking to someone else: Is the talk that is not characterized by narrator commit evil openly or lying, but so-called because it has many different stories the way, Sindh may be incomplete or anonymous narrators.
  • Talk weak: it is modern, which does not include the right to talk or Hassan conditions, so be imprisoned for two, or a lump of Sindh, and is the exact right way, is not recommended taking him if out of the liars, or conflict with the provisions of the Koran and the correct and good conversations.
  • Talk Thread: Is the modern lied to the Prophet peace be upon him and maligned, this modern Muharram may not be in any way taking him or believe him or move on that interview is true; because who does this will himself into destruction and fire, and his qualities: be contrary clearly of the Holy Qur'an and the correct hadith, or to be illogical and mind, or be prosaic wording and structure, or be contrary to some historical facts and well-known in the biography of the Prophet peace be upon him, or to be bearing a liar and a hypocrite and is known to do so.


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