When did you start doing prayers in Ramadan

blessed month of Ramadan

Featuring holy month of Ramadan from other months of the year for Muslims, because this month Mubarak from God and it doubles the pay "Night of Power is better than a thousand months," Every year, Muslims are expected this month, impatient, and the closing fire doors, and the devils are chained, so Muslim keen to do a lot of acts of worship which is pleasing to God Almighty.

Muslims are competing to seal the Koran in it, and the ties of kinship, and are keen to i'tikaaf in the mosques and out Zakat and Oanaamanm, and performing Tarawih prayers and, at the end of the month award be Eid al-Fitr.

             When, did ,you, start ,doing ,prayers, in ,Ramadan


Prayers in the holy month of Ramadan are the same prayers Tarawih most of the Muslims and pray after evening prayers in the group, either the Muslim prays individually in Ramadan and at home then called prayers, a confirmed Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the apostle prays eleven rak rak or three years and this is recognized as stated in an interview with Ms. Aisha in the correct, where she said: "what was the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him over in Ramadan nor in the other eleven rak'ahs."

The timing of prayers in Ramadan

The timing of prayers in Ramadan is between evening prayers until dawn, and preferably in the last third of the night, where the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Our Lord descends, the Almighty every night to the lowest heaven, while remaining third of the night, he says: who calls me Voostagib him, ask me to whom I give, from Astgverni forgive him. "

How to perform prayers at home

This prayer is performed as follows:
  • The intention to be the heart and after evening prayers and after prayers of the year.
  • To start the opening prayer.
  • Reading Al-Fatihah, followed by some of the verses flow from the verses of the Quran.
  • Kneel and say Hallelujah great Lord and repeated three times.
  • Advancement with zoom.
  • Prostrate with zoom and saying Glory Supreme Lord and replicated three times.
  • Sit down with magnification.
  • Prostrate with zoom and saying Glory Supreme Lord and replicated three times.
  • Advancement with zoom and repeat what has been done in the first rak'ah.
  • Sitting at the last prostration and say tashahhud Then he mentioned the Abrahamic prayer.
  • Make delivery as in regular prayer, to the right and the left.
  • Two raka'ah, then delivery.
  • Rakahs eight or ten or twenty rakahs rak'ah prayers.
  • Stay plugged in prayer.


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