Best age for marriage

Marriage is a year of life, as it is considered more ways in which human survival, often see and hear and read a lot of marriages around the world stories, it is those stories and facts about the world we find a perfect marriage, marriage less fortunate,
we find a good marriage and marriage failed, we are here talking about a topic of interest to many people around the world, couples, and families, and guardians interested in their children, and they want them built a happy life to the fullest.

                 Best, age, for, marriage ,
When we talk about the best age for marriage are talking about the happy marriage, talking about marriage free from social fissures, talking about stability, we talk about the family: adopted and give birth to new individuals belonging to the society and belong to all of humanity, yes, we talk about free early divorce family talk for disease-free family.

To better marriage or, as we talked earlier best age for marriage standards to be seen, as well as well-studied, and look at past experiences at the level of society, and those standards are we talking about: life is better, and avoid danger and reproduction.

We have listed those standards do not stand on women only, and but also to men, too, in the sense that we will talk about the men and women on the criteria for each end.
woman :

When we talk about the best age for marriage for women, we exclude below XVI, and for several reasons, including: lack of mental and physical maturity.
Valendj psychological linked to the situation of women under the age of ten, and it is what was seen around the world as the age of childhood and adolescence, which excludes the estimated age of the responsibility and reproduction.
But scientists around the world and human experience shows that a good marriage is between sixteen and twenty-ninth and.
Also, the fact of marriage between Forty Thirty and may be accompanied with a lot of side effects, that affect women in the reproductive process as an example: cancer.
the man :

As women age for marriage as well as good for the man the age of marriage for good man, before the age of twenty to be a young man, do not feel a majority of those young people the responsibility that Saaolon them from behind the marriage.

The best age for this successful marriage is one of the 20 to thirty years for men, as well as in terms of responsibility and psychological maturity and physical and economic to be the man in the best without her age period, as well as consider this period of the best periods of age for men in terms of reproduction, the longer Age weakened fertility rate in men.

We shorten our answer to successful marriage age for women 16 \ 29 and the man 20 \ 30.
We also acknowledge the fact that some areas around the world, the structure of the bodies from other regions vary around the world, we find that the bodies of men and women are different from each other in structure and endurance.


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