The provisions of Marriage in Islam

Marriage: is a contract between a man and a woman legally permissible for him than the establishment of the Association of life and common birth control.


Terms of marriage:

The provisions of the marriage the following:
 So the woman's guardian: a father or a brother or a relative of the father's hand in the absence of a father, brother, or your choice of women At absence Hala- considers that keen on her pleasure and interest. The majority of scholars believe that it is not permissible for a woman to get married without her guardian's permission, pray God said to him: (wali) is required in Wali to be an adult man sane Muslim not be a female and a young boy and mad not a polytheist.

  • The pair will be granted: the wife and not be prohibited on the man, as if to be one of the incest, or be a non-Muslim or written.
  • Reza men and women: the one I hate not valid marriage.
  • Alahhadely marriage: and have two men Muslims sensible adults Harin good character who know honestly and truthfully to tell the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him: (for Ankah only guardian and two witnesses) are required to hear the witnesses and the words of the two contracting parties and understanding to be him, and he married, and therefore does not meet the marriage asleep or Osaman testimony, as well as not valid drunkard certificate.
  • That the contract is for life: do not specify a particular time period, the man marries a woman for a year, for example, which is known as temporary marriage, which is prohibited.
  • The appointment of the couple by name: the man says to the other spouse, for example, my daughter Fatima and so on.
  • Not a couple or a Wali be taboo Hajj or Umrah: Pray God said to him: (Anich forbidden to marry or not giving a speech)
  • Marriage is favorably and acceptance: the man is thus expressed his desire to marry the woman's guardian, Viqubl Wali after consent if to say: Zojni daughter Jane. And mentions its name says kinsman her spouse. Or write him or refer him a signal understandable if he can not speak agrees Wali, marriage is not Avakadin, and passed some scholars that marriage shall Baaked one if he has jurisdiction over the parties, as if the very spouses, or an agent for them. 

Terms spouse at the time of the contract:

The woman may require her husband's condition in the marriage contract as long as the condition is not lawful haram nor denied solver, not really fall from the pair's rights, such as requiring him not to travel with him if he travels, and the man to fulfill it, pray God said to him: (deserving of conditions that They died out what Asthlltm its broiler)

  • Statement: The statement must marry because the Prophet peace be upon him: (proclaim the marriage).
  • Wedding is nothing wrong with the wedding of the bride to her husband to show happiness and joy, and sings songs and hits the duff with full commitment to the ethics of Islam in not mixing between men and women, says the Prophet, peace be upon him: (separation between Halal and Haram hit the tambourine and singing at the wedding) [Tirmidhi and Women ].
  • Advocacy and feast, and the pair are keen to invite friends and family to attend the wedding to support the spirit of love and cooperation, must also be called on to accept the invitation of the wedding, he said, peace be upon him: (Accept this invitation if you are called her).
  • Engagement: And desirable for a husband to preach a sermon, and said good words before the marriage contract for Altmasaltazoaj.
  • Pray for the couple: as mustahabb to pray for the couple, was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, peace be Alihuslm If a person was Rafa (called the Married) he said: (God bless you, bless you, and gather you together in goodness).
  • Dowry: Is the money that you deserve the wife of contract by or Login with reality, the man has many names, including: the dowry and dowry and charity, Bee and wage ordinance, and others, it is the duty of the man without the woman what is indicated by the Quran and Sunnah evidence and the consensus of Almuslimn.ogmh from having to pony It is to demonstrate the value of this contract and prestige, and pride and honoring women, and provide evidence of good faith in kind to her and permanence of marriage, which is also helping the wife to the husband is preparing with the necessary clothing and expense.   


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