How many rak'ahs Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan

Tarawih prayers in Ramadan

Ramadan of the statutes that were imposed on all Muslims, it is the month of mercy and forgiveness and emancipation from the fire, so awaited by all Muslims impatient, and the Muslims in this great month, much of the work that obedience to a Muslim Rabbo , many Muslims are racing to do good deeds and acts of worship, and these acts of worship to read the Koran and the Qur'aan, and directed by Zakat and alms, and kinship, performing Tarawih prayers, and we will explain in detail for Tarawih prayers.

            How, many ,rak'ahs, Taraweeh ,prayers ,in ,Ramadan

Tarawih prayer rule

Taraweeh prayers is a confirmed Sunnah, The Apostle urged him blessings and peace be upon their performance, it has been prayed every night of Ramadan after evening prayers and ends at the time to the pre-dawn, so named because when they have to pray Taraweeh were taking a break after the completion of each two rak'ahs, dubbed prayers do Ramadan, there are some mosques you give lessons and governance between each two rak'ahs to take the wisdom and advice.

Number rakahs Tarawih prayers

Did not prove specific number of rak'ahs Tarawih prayer, Vsilt Aisha, may Allah be pleased about the number of rak'ahs that was the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him pray, she said: (What was the increase in Ramadan, and in the other eleven rak'ahs, prayed four rak'ahs, do not ask for Hassanhn and Tohin , then pray four, do not ask for Hassanhn and Tohin, then pray three times), did not prove the text of a legitimate number rakahs Tarawih prayers for the Messenger of Allah, is permissible for a Muslim to increase or decrease, depending on the ability of Muslim and desire, many Muslims pray eleven rak'ahs which eight sokka, and three diplopia and water, and some of them prayed twenty-three rak, the number of rak'ahs the choice for a Muslim.

Preferred Tarawih prayers

Have preferred a great affair when Muslims; because it is a confirmed Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and any works are commanded by the Great Prophet must imitate him and do as he did, as this prayer come in the greatest months of the year and the month of Ramadan, and any action takes place on them will be wage multiplier for other months, one of the favorite acts to God, they are a way to get closer to God and gain satisfaction and get twice the amount of good deeds, has been linked Tarawih prayer holy month of Ramadan, it is fasting month of Ramadan belief and anticipation forgiven his sins, as well as prayers or pray Taraweeh


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