The status of prayer in Islam

In the name of God, thank God, peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and his family and companions and guided Companions.

The language of prayer means to pray, and in al-Shara is the words and deeds of specific start zoomed in, ending delivery. Though to pray preferred a large position in Islam, it is the second pillar of Islam, and described as a religion column,
the only worship received by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him directly from the Lord of the Worlds without mode archangel Gabriel peace be upon him, and that was on the night of Flowers, as well to be the first to be held accountable by the day of Resurrection, where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: «the first to be held accountable by the day of Resurrection prayer, the sound Magistrate, the rest of his work, though it is corrupt, the rest of his work» [horses in the series proper, the prayer was one of the last commandments of the Prophet before his death, and this is something that shows the importance of large and prestige of prayer in Islam.

The prayer strengthen the connection between a person and his Lord, she narrated her way realized soliloquy and his supplication, so the way to get closer to God Almighty, and the reason for the remission of sins, and to pray also a lot of moral and educational fruits on the individual that positively it reflected on his family and his community, then the prayer restrains from shameful and evil, and check Testimonial for humans and psychological comfort, where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him say to the Bilal bin Rabah: «Comfort Us by O Bilal».

Many scientists still Lifton that the one who does Madaom prayer on the left infidel outside the pale of Islam, though he left her Tkasla not Jehoda and a denial of its legitimacy, and these scientists are diligent, and they have evidence of what Lifton him, has disagreed with other scientists in this matter, and said that who does not pray if he left her Kassala is not Bccaffr, can not afford a Muslim in light of this dispute, however, is keen to prayer great care, and performed by the entirety, and in the timely, correct and as such, and should never be tolerated in the left so it is not an infidel on the opinion of those who said Kafr who does not pray. This disagreement that we see among scientists, if anything, it shows the importance of prayer and bones, and its place in Islam; it is the only worship that took place between scientists dispute the left Kassala, they all agree that the other acts of worship of fasting, Zakat and others that left her slave remiss of it is denial and the denial of her, is not considered an infidel.


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