The concept of fasting in Islam

Lent language: constipation, and leave the mobility of the event to event. It is said to be silent fasting because constipation speechless. God said an informant for Mary: ((I have vowed to Suma Rahman)) 1, any acquiescence speechless.

And fasting in Islam: to refrain from breaking the fast with the intention coupling it from dawn to sunset. The completeness and perfection avoiding taboos and not fall into the taboo 2,

for saying peace be upon him in what was narrated by Abu Huraira: ((Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon Allaah has no need of his giving up his food and drink)) 3.


Fadel Great Lent when God

Fadel Great Lent when God large reward, which includes the individual and society, came this news many, Muslim and enough that God added fasting to himself, as shown by talking about the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said, an informant for the Lord, he says, the Almighty: (( all the works of Adam are for him except fasting which is for me and I shall reward for it)) 4.

But that he was fasting singled out for him, though they were all his acts of worship, to the fast, things Pine other acts of worship.

One: that fasting prevents the sanctuary of self and its desires as it does not prevent other acts of worship.

II: The Secret of fasting between a person and God only appears to him, therefore became a specialist, and what else of worship Zahir, maybe he did impress them and hypocrisy. Hence particularly from the other five came 5.

Third: that fasting is not special in God worshiped by one others, it did not draw near fasting for one of the gods other than God Almighty.
The purpose of fasting is fear Allaah

God said: ((O you who believe! Fasting is also prescribed for those before you, that ye may be cautious 6)).

Wisdom and purpose of fasting is fear Allaah and to comply with his order and to avoid prohibitions. In the sense that the Muslim fast for everything that God has forbidden, find fasting from sexual intercourse and introductions, his stomach was fasting from eating and drinking, his tongue is fasting for backbiting and gossip, and lying, and speak obscene, and false speech, his hand was fasting for abuse of creation, his leg was fasting for a walk to the what God has forbidden, eye fasting for looking at what God has forbidden, ear fasting for listening to all that God has forbidden, heart fasting for hypocrisy, anger, hatred, envy, hostility and hatred and mistrust, the idea of ​​fasting for reflection on what hurts the people, whether by words or actions.

According to the Muslim fasting the whole saying peace be upon him: ((Fasting)), any protection from sin and guilt, and all that God forbade him. And saying peace be upon him: ((Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon Allaah has no need of his giving up his food and drink.)) 7.
And saying peace be upon him as narrated by Abu Huraira: ((if on the fast one of you do not utter that day nor Ackb, the Hatmh one or murderer, let him say I Imru fasting, and whose Hand of the smell from the mouth of the fasting person is better with Allah than the fragrance of musk)) 8
Fasting weakens lust and styling souls and strengthens the resolve

Fasting weakens lust for self and inhibits Jmahaa and save her from the power of habit, so advised the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him the young people who do not find chaste until Allah enriches them of the virtues of fasting, he said, addressing them ((Yamashr young Whoever among you Alabap Fletzoj and whoever can not fast, for it came to him) 9).

Any protection from sin and guilt that are the cause of the humiliation of a person and mortality, and exposed to the wrath of God, and his anger.

Fasting nearly Forever from his Lord, then free him from the power of the bad habits that drawer during a ten-month period. Whoever drank smoke, for example, can refrain from smoking from dawn to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan, hence the whisper in the ear of a smoker and we say to him: How can refrain from smoking all day long and can not give it up and leave it all your life? The same is said for the wine drinker, and zany ... and anyone who dares to tissues of God Almighty and outspoken disobedience? Is not it to you, O smoker, you addicted to alcohol, my opposite for women, you Almtlzz Bmharm God, ye Courier alibi and gossip to spoil the relationship between people, my over-the rights of God and in the rights of people, and you, and you ... and you as well as Muslim, O fasting , where decency, and where the offer, and where modesty, chastity and where? The Anne also repent to God and Tkhcaa to mention God and came down right on the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, which Ttheloanh pots of the night and parties day and Tstamaa him during the five daily prayers and Tarawih prayers. The Anne also Tniba to Rbakma and Tzlma and Jhecma to God before you solve the dumb anger and indignation? Or that ye who long for themTerm hatched their hearts?

How fast you recognized from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset for the month of Ramadan and keep their five daily prayers with the congregation and read the Koran and listening to him, and as soon as it expires Ramadan back on Aaqbik a loser? And to disguise what you are manufactured by during the holy month? This O Muslim, O Muslim Shim is not wise. As is well known: that the actions of wise people immune to tampering.
Month of Ramadan, the month of forgiveness and mercy

Narrated by Imam Bukhari in the book of fasting from Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: ((If you entered the month of Ramadan opened the gates of Paradise and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained)) 10.

Al-Tirmidhi narrated in the book of fasting from Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: ((If the first night of Ramadan, the devils are chained (grabbed and tied) and jinn (big strong devils), and closed the fire doors did not open including the door, opened the doors of paradise, not closing them the door, and a voice calls out: 'O seeker (Alaptghae and demand), goodness accept, O seeker of evil (back and better to yourself), and God redeems from the fire, so every night)) 11

And wisdom to restrict demons and Tsfidhm As mentioned Ahwadhi to explain Tirmidhi agent Youssosa in the fasters, and the Principality of so many walks more Menhmacain the tyranny of sin, and their return to repent to God, and the existing otherwise in some of them, it effects from Tswelat demons, drowned in the depth of those evil souls, and Badt in their heads 12.

The meaning of the words of Allah, peace be upon him: ((Aabagb goodness accept, and Aabagb evil shorter)), ie O wants sin grabbed from sin and back to God, it is time to accept the repentance and anytime ready to forgiveness, and perhaps the obedience of the obedient, and the repentance of the guilty and the return of negligence in Ramadan the impact of appeals, and as a result Iqbal God for the students, so you see more Muslim fasting so young, but most of them who leave prayer are then worshipers, with that fasting is harder than prayer, which requires the weakness of the body, which requires laziness for worship and frequent sleep normally, however, see mosques built-up, reviving the night submerged 13.

The meaning of the words of Allah, peace be upon him: ((God redeems from the fire, and every night)), that is, in every night of the nights of Ramadan in which aged necks guilty penitents from the fire, you shall not be ye jejunum of who fast during the day and the unleashing of appetites at night, are thus walking around in the streets, sipping smoke, courting girls Atvkhon, in cafes, theaters, clubs and places of entertainment socialize, and along roadsides and beaches to fornicate. Do not be of those, but you should try to be who fast during the day and night and they Osotk in this case, is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and walked on his approach. Do not get lost, O jejunum based this opportunity you might not encounter again and it lapse for you and regret which is too late, and be who they say after what he stood on the fire ((Oh I wish we respond not lie to the revelations of our Lord and be of Moumnin it seemed to them what they were hiding before )) 14.

It also states: ((O Hsarta on it wastes in the side of God, though you cynics, or those who say that if God guided me to you pious or say when you see the torment if I football Vokon benefactors)) .15

And conjuring always says ((and unknowingly the same what you earn tomorrow, and knowing the same to any land die that God knows expert)) .16
The night of Qadr-or when the Quran was revealed-is worth a thousand nights:

And do not forget that you are in one of the greatest months and love to God, it was revealed the Koran guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and the Criterion, a month in which the night of the greatest nights, is the Night of Power is better than a thousand months, as told in the Quran Alkarim.qal Almighty ((Ham, writers set out, I am Onzlnh on a blessed night, we were admonishing, which divides each is wise order from us, we were brought the mercy of the Lord, he is the Hearing, the Knowing)) .17

said as well) (we sent down on much of the night, Everybody knows what the Laylat al-Qadr, the night Power is better than a thousand months ...)).18

Here you are, O fasting in the month of the greatest months, the night is better than a thousand months, also called blessed per night. Since God has concealed us tonight have mercy on us and wisdom knows is the Almighty, hid us to work hard in the search for them, they are there in the last ten days of this Alchehr.vkd God bless him and respect this holy month of acts do not do it unless it and diligent and renews activity in the last ten days of it in order to win the Laylat al-Qadr, who says: ((who Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his sins)), any believer Pferdath, willing to reward and reward him and worshiped God, and the same good, is reluctant notMstthaglh those acts of worship, and you, O fasting Muslim in this time demands than those who went too investigated much of the night, and have in the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Alosop good, do not have to sit in cafes and places of entertainment, watching movies and soap operas, plays, or playing cards, or lounging in streets and hugging girls, savoring Bhdathn and Msamerthn. But you have to strive to request this blessed night. Why? Because it has multiple advantages, I will confine myself to mention some of them:

1 which came down the Koran, and enough honor that the Quran was revealed.

2 in the Night of Power: God estimated amounts next year of Rizk and order and good and evil, all that is over the next year given to the angels, and carry out what the power of God through that night after what was taken from lawh, said God Almighty ((I'm Onzlnh in a blessed night we were admonishing, which differentiates every
wise command is added)) .19

How many people have thought and planning that will do such and such, and it is reckoned among those who will die within the year, which is being planned, and he will do, and will do ....So should the Muslim wise to be aware of this fact and is preparing to meet God in every moment, not a lot of aspirations and procrastination. It works and planning, at the same time be fully prepared to meet God Almighty.

3 in the Night of Power: descend the angels and the Spirit (Gabriel peace be upon him) to the ground to this verse ((descend the angels and the spirit in which the permission of their Lord of each command, Peace is until dawn)) 0.20 descend to greet the faithful, and pour compassion and light on the universe, which is dominated by the article, and confer peace, and deploy the security.

4 Night of Power is better than a thousand months. In the sense that it has this night as the command of Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him and Abd Allah, and did not commit a sin, it was like someone had eighty three years and four months duration. Because a thousand months modulate this period, and this is a bounty of God's mercy on this nation.

5 in much of the night: God will forgive the sins of Qamha belief and anticipation, as evidenced by saying peace be upon him: ((of Qadr out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his sins)). This is also favored by God to worship.

Preassigned tonight ship resolve of the Muslim and strengthens the bond between him and his Maker, Visthieddi slave fasting switch back to sin and evil, which has come out of this holy month guilt forgiven, and the pursuit Thanked, onion and powerful Lord is forgiving. Do not waste you jejunum based this opportunity Perhaps you will not Thiaha again shall be from the people of the Hereafter, then it is good all in your hands, do not give the opportunity to the devil in order to laugh to you, and leads you to commit sin and commit a taboo, Feltjtahed If you do good and to move away from evil, and his family.
Legitimacy and Bida irregularities committed during Laylat al-Qadr

Some things do it some people and Ihspunha of religion, which is a far cry from the Islamic religion, and I will confine myself to monitor some phenomena that do during this blessed night from some ignorant people who thought that they were doing remarkably well, while they are abusing themselves and to their religion in terms of do not feel:

1 Some people practice witchcraft and magic on the night of the twenty-seventh of Ramadan. This is forbidden in the other days, so how about Laylat al-Qadr. It is no doubt satanic acts not permissible for a Muslim to believe in it or do it, it is a major sin, also told that the Holy Prophet.

2 out of women took to the streets Metzanat, scantily dressed, Mailat Mmellat, and with them young daughters, wearing dress brides and on and are uncovered types of powders, and take their souvenir pictures of that attest to nicotine, and this is forbidden act legally as well, because it has not been proven for the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, not about Muslims women who believe this religion theology and law, and were committed to it and exercise behavior. This act spoil common sense when young girls. Duty is the upbringing of Islamic education, not spoiling Aftrthn. You, O Mother binding raising your daughter or your daughters on modesty and chastity, no nudity and obscene actions, and you Father also obliged to wake your wife and your sister to this matter, and that Tnhahn about this ugly act. It is a far cry from the wise embarked pure of all kinds of evil and corruption Tahir.

3 light candles on the graves and tombs and burned incense in their homes, to hurt the dead and the neighbors do, and this is also forbidden in Islam has nothing to do with religion. These acts are not done by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his companions after him, but are corrupt customs and traditions.

What the Muslims closer to God what is embarked As Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, to do with what she desires selves and delight its passions. God said: ((Say that you love Allah, follow Ihbbkm God and forgive you your sins)) 21

also he said ((And whatsoever the Messenger Fajdhuh and Nhakm him Vanthua)).22

Suffice so much, and I ask Allah stability, and safety of the slippage in word and action. Trustworthy.


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