What are the pillars of faith

Faith is one of the foundations of the Islamic Sharia Alhanifp, not true Islam, the person does not accept his conversion to Islam, if not a believer pillars of the faith, Islam has put these elements and between them, and in this article we will look at the pillars of faith with clarified.

What are the pillars of faith

Staff of Algyeman are the foundations and basic pillars upon which to build the faith community, and these things relate Batqadat insured, based on the provisions of honest news about them, which are the pillars agreed upon by all the messages I got from God Almighty, as all the Apostles had invited their people to believe in them, and for saying the Almighty: "I initiated debt charge of Noah, and which We revealed to you and China and by Abraham and Moses and Jesus to establish religion nor Ttafrqgua the size on the idolaters what you invite him God Ajetbi him wills and guides him to depute" 13 / Shura, and the faith of the believer not be true unless I firmly believe does not enter any doubt these pillars, and these pillars in detail are: 

Faith in God

Faith in God means that believed Muslims firmly believe in his heart that God exists, and this presence is a real presence in itself, and that God is the creator of the universe, and that he is not a partner, and that of his attributes the Almighty is perfect, and it is far above deficiencies and defects , and similar or parallel in the universe, the Almighty said: "Creator of the heavens and the earth, make you wives from among yourselves and cattle in pairs Ivrakm it is not nothing like him, he is the all-Seer" 0.11 / Shura, and that God alone is worthy of worship by all forms, without any partner with him in it, Almighty said: "and they were commanded except to worship God worship none but him, and establish prayer and pay Zakat and that the religion of the value" 0.5 / evidence.

And faith in God Almighty that includes self-belief and the fact of its existence, the quest for supreme power is a phenomenon of religiosity, where people do not shed so Pegraizhm, such as love of knowledge, and love of stay, and other instincts.

Belief in the Angels

The belief in the angels mean that Muslims believe ratifications believe that the angels of God's creatures Almighty existing ones, and they are created from light, and they are the servants of God honorees, who are praising God Almighty in the day and night and never invent, and that they do not disobey Allah in all his orders , and they do what they are commanded, and they are not like humans, they do not eat nor drink, nor sleep, nor Atanaslon, and their functions and commands that instruct them to Almighty God.

It attributes the angels that distinguish them from other creatures, they are created from light, narrated Aisha said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: "The angels were created from light and create the elves of Marge from the fire, and the creation of Adam, which you describe," Narrated by Muslim, and qualities they also Azimoa creation, God Almighty said: "O ye who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a fire whose fuel is men and stones, angels stern Shaddad do not disobey what God commanded them, and they do what they are commanded" 0.6 / prohibition.

It qualities also that they have a capacity for conformation in a dense material physical, the granting of God Almighty ability to Ackloa and get out their true form, which created it, has Jibril brought him peace to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - in the form of a severe man blank clothes , very dark hair, and that he had come to Mary for peace in the form of a man, and other cases in which he appeared in some of the angels messengers peace be upon them.

Faith holy books

Intended holy books of any books that revealed God Almighty on the apostles mercy of moral character, and guide them to boil through the happiness in this world and the hereafter, and faith in these books means that believed Muslims firmly believe that God has revealed to the heavenly books on the apostles to Ahdoa their people, and that these books might have contained on the doctrine of pure monotheism to Allah Almighty, in addition to Almtlqh each nation legislation, Almighty said: "and We have sent down to you the book in truth, confirming the hands of writers and dominated him so judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, comes to the right of each among you, We Bill the platform even if, God willing, to make you one nation, but in what Ablukm whatsoever Fastbakoa good things to God the truth of your return, including all of you in which you disagree "0.48 / tableware. 

Belief in the Messengers

The belief in the Messengers means that Muslims strongly believed in all the prophets and apostles, and believe in them, who said in the Koran or in the Sunnah in the right conversations, in toto, whether listed or not realize now that, without denying the prophecy of any prophet or messenger of them. The first messenger to the people of the earth is the prophet Noah, and the last of the Apostles is the prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, the Almighty said: "I revealed to you as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Isa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroun and Sulaiman and gave David Sbora * The story you have messengers by the messengers did not Nqssm you and God spoke to Moses Tcleme, "women / 163-164, and the Almighty said:" Muhammad is not the father of one of the men, but the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets and God had knowledge of all things ", parties / 40. 

The apostles human beings created them God Almighty, and not those of the divinity or deity characteristics of something, and they have all human beings characteristics of the disease, and death, and their need for food and drink, and so on, has Amtazoa for the general public that they believe them, security, and encourage them, the most honorable, and merciful people, and perfecting, and they do not fall into sin, and that God Almighty had Verily revelation Donna about the people, God Almighty said: "Say I do not have to myself useful not hurt unless God wills though you know the unseen to Acetkthert of good and what touched me so bad that I am but a warner and Bashir, for those who believe, "norms / 188, and was quoted as saying the Almighty for Jesus peace be upon him:" it is only Abdul Onamna him and made for example to the children of Israel, "decoration / 59. 

The extent of faith

The extent of faith means the adoption of a Muslim to Allah Almighty has learned everything, and he wrote the amounts of everything, and everything is His will and his will the Almighty, and that God is the creator of everything, and it is effectively what he wants, and he wills it, and will not be, and in his hand the kingdom of all, is the one who gives life and causes death, and over all things, and that the Almighty guides whom he wills, and go astray whom he wills, and pursuer of his rule, the Creator of creation, and estimated their business, their livelihood, the Almighty said: "that is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but he, the Creator of all things worship Him is over all things agent ", cattle / 102, and that the good are the evil are two things Mekdran on the subjects, the Almighty said:" wherever you will overtake you die if you were in Bruges, praising though Tsbhm well say this is from God if bad Tsbhm say this from You tell all from God for what these people hardly ever newly understand, "women / 78. 

Although the estimated impact on the individual and society, of which it is the largest human reasons to work, and to seek what pleases God Almighty, one of the most powerful Muslim incentives to work and offers on things firmly, and sure, and determination, and determination, and also Atharah that man knows through which much the same, and therefore does not flaunts on people, not exalted, nor Atboutr, because he can not know what is affordable for him, and what is his future, and therefore recognizes the inability, and his need for God forever and ever Almighty, Almighty said: "agent Tosoa on what you missed and rejoice including whatsoever God does not love any arrogant boaster ", iron / 23. 

Belief in the Last Day

The belief in the Last Day means to believe Muslims strongly believe health is told by God the Almighty that this world is transient, and that there are signs and signs leading up to this the other day and its horrors, as well as the ratification of the Muslim news received for the afterlife, and the bliss and punishment what we were told by God Almighty, and it will be sent from things like creatures, and Hashr, arithmetic, and metaphors people to their business, and what they have done in this life and work. As well as the Muslim faith sedition grave, and his torment, and Blessing, the Almighty said an informant for Pharaoh: "Fire offering them incapacitated, morning and evening, and on the time of Pharaoh admitted more torment," Ghafir / 46 


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