The correct concept of faith


The Islamic religion is a law and doctrine, include Sharia practical side, who must work and be bound by it and apply it, whereas include faith theoretical side, who must believe, approval and ratification by, the term faith came from Muslim scholars on matters of faith and certification, does not come any Tobeiran these things the word belief in the Quran and the Sunnah.

But to express them came to other terms such as faith and its derivatives, Tawhid and Sunnah, as the word of faith remain closer and influential in the soul and heart and mind of any other words, and in this article we will learn about the concept of faith and its importance.

Creed language: derived from the verb hold, where we say hold Testament, sale and rope, it means the intensity and Othagh and linking, these synonyms benefit the strength and cohesion and precision, and therefore so be strong and empowered doctrine believer in himself, but idiomatically it is a check on self-certification and recognition of the firm undoubtedly side theoretical in Islam, and is the faith in God and his angels and his books and his messengers and the Last day and act of God. Importance of faith

Importance of faith

The Islamic faith is very great importance appear in the following things:
  • All the apostles came to the call to follow the correct doctrine.
  • The goal of God's creation of human and jinn is for the unification of divinity, and go to worship the Almighty alone.
  • The source of happiness in this world is faith in God, as the tranquility and comfort comes through faith in God and the person Bosmaih and attributes.
  • The faith of the Muslim correct faith keeps him from committing sins and the sins and vulnerable to corrupt ideas.
  • The true faith is working on the answer and explain all the questions that come to mind of humans, such as the attributes of God Almighty, the principle of creation, and the things of God and others. 

The characteristics of faith 

Characterized Islamic faith several properties including: Lord's:
  • The qualities of the angels and the phases of the details of the other day, and heaven and hell and the other is one of the things unseen, ie no knowledge of man and which flag when Allah alone is just as important human effort to make in the perception of these things it is not up to what is true.
  • Approval of instinct and reason: It is of faith by agreeing to encroachment, where he says: "Adding to your face upright for religion Aftrt God that mankind does not switch to God's creation is religion, but most people do not know", as the slave accept this doctrine of comfort and tranquility and contentment since they are compatible with the same composition, is also characterized by the consent of the mind, as it is not contrary to logic and common sense, it is stated in the Qur'an many mental signs of major facts in this creed, and challenged the unbelievers to come by evidence mindset to show sincerity and validity of their beliefs and their logic , where he says: "the security of creation, then repeats it provides for you from heaven and earth agency with God Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful."
  • Clarity and simplicity: characterized by faith clarity and simplicity and ease, where all groups to understand, whether educated or ignorant, or big or small, as it is not a complicated philosophy can not be explained, but rather rely on instinct and axioms mind.
  • Positive: The belief have many positive effects on the life of the individual and the group, it is freedom from the passions and desires and Alhdja and greed and submission, selfishness and destruction in the earth, injustice and arrogance, etc., and work to create a human being who philanthropist for his country and his nation, and Aharbalrahh satisfaction and pleasure and contentment and initiator to the good and tender and other positive effects. 


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