What is the Hadith Sharif science

The assets of the Islamic religion

Of the Islamic religion fixed assets first and sources in the legislation is the Koran and the Sunnah, the Koran is the word of God which He revealed to His Messenger ring to the apostles Mohammed bin Abdullah peace be upon him, born of him by the king of revelation Jibril peace be upon him, and the Quran is a miracle Khaleda It is a book in favor of the legislation every time and place God has revealed in the Arabic language, and the Sunnah are the focus of our conversation in this article, which is also known as Sharif to talk, which is concerned by Muslims over the Islamic history and Ol a great part of the understanding and conservation to become a note freestanding a modern science.

               What, is, the, Hadith, Sharif, science

Modern science

Can the hadith is defined as all of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said or did or report, or recipe, or congenital defects. As modern science is science, which means knowing Hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and the saved and the codification and adjust to talk in terms of the bond study of the sources, a series of narrators who brought us an interview with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), the study of tenderloin, which is the Hadith text.

Branch of modern science are all aware of many concentrated in the modern and save understanding and knowledge of degree; there are degrees of science deals with the modern and Hadeeth and science classes, or what is known as the science of translations of the men who built it knew the wound and the amendment.

Based on the science that we have mentioned earlier, the verdict on the talk becomes available in terms of weakness, health or other degrees of modern classified by scientists, and perhaps the most important of these methods in the classification of talk is what we have to study the grounds that contain narrators than men, and these men are subject the balance of classes developed by leading scientists in the field of conduct of men and Trajmanm as Ibn Hajar and Ibn Sa'd and other mercy of God; as in some narrators force in conservation and Ora and strengthen this acclaimed it, and unknown to them through the study of their careers and put them in a more accurate balance to the scrutiny of men, what Word in the right, even the suspicion of his reply modern scholars did not take it each according to his knowledge and expertise.

The men are known for their conservation, confidence and precision in the transport and honesty understanding trustworthy in the novel they reverse the good guys, this is the amendment, while the notorious lack of conservation and forgetfulness or lack of precision in the transport or fraud or lying Those are the wounded in the novel and who do not accept them novel modern Messenger Allah bless him and this is the wound, and it turned out to us the concept of the wound and the amendment, which is the basis of modern science and knowledge upon which to talk and find out his term and his grades.


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