What is the meaning hadith health

Health Talk

God sent down the Qur'an, and make it the law of the community, for the governed and controlled his actions, and was characterized by comprehensive, perfect, and utility every time and place, and then came the Sunnah, confirming what came in the Quran, described and explained to him, and because the Sunnah is indispensable in the life of a Muslim, the study is obligatory, and divided into true, good, and poor, and the subject is essential, and until it becomes clear the concept of "modern health," we will give in this article kinds of conversations, the meaning of each of them and clarify.

Types of the Hadith frequent talk

Frequency of meaning in language relay, and frequent talk, is pursuing the narrators of Sindh, which means that all the narrator of taking all of the narrator, who was preceded in Sindh, and also the terms of the frequency that the number of narrators many , without specifying a certain number of them, and the goal of having a large number of narrators, is to check impossibility collaborators to lie, also required to be talking them through one of the five senses transfer, and may not think or question when transferred to talk, and this type of talk taken him absolutely, and human unbelievable ratification assertive. 

Talk Thread

He lied to talk to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it may not be introduced at all.

Modern ones

It is the modern condition in which the fall of the frequent talk conditions, and modern ones is divided into three swear:

Modern right

What is narrated by Justice Tam Tam setting for tuning justice, bail uninterrupted, it is not abnormality or illness. This means that tells talk about Muslim amended, and precision (ie the confidence of Hafez), and is required here is that all the narrators have confidence memorize, and guaranteed uninterrupted mean that it is both narrator heard talk about the narrator, which was accepted and Odrickkh, it may be one of the narrators conveying to talk the right has, for example, died of a narrator who preceded in non-life, non-anomaly which should not be talking contrary to what is the closer of it, and here that is not against the Holy Quran, or frequent to talk, and the illness means the existence of a mysterious reason influences in modern health, although apparent from talking is his health and safety. An example of the modern right: What Bukhari God's mercy, said: Describe Abdullah bin Yusuf said: Tell us the owner from Abu trigger, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "If not that difficult for my ummah ordered them to bleed at every prayer."

Talk Hassan

Is narrated by Justice weak adjustment for Justice weak disciple or perfect disciple, a bond unbroken, it is not abnormality or illness, and the note from the definition that the talk-Hassan is the same as the right to talk with a different one condition is that the Justice weak disciple and not fully control, ie it is less confidence and precision, or no confidence in the settings, or quite a bit, and with that as well, but he invoked as well, and an example of the modern-Hassan : what Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood Tayaalisi, and Ibn Majah, for Abdul Rahman bin substitute Ben soft from his father, Anas may Allah be pleased with him he said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "God Almighty Ahlin of people, "he said of them, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "People of the Koran are the people of God and his own."

Weak to talk

Is what it has one or more of these conditions: justice in the narrator, exactly as was his statement earlier, Contact: that is, every one of narrators has quoted a narrator who preceded without interruption, not homosexuality: a violation of the narrator trust anyone who is confident of it, the lack of vowel Kadhh: any modern safety from the description of a hidden detract from the modern health and the apparent safety of it, has scholars differed on the work done or not, there are those who say the work done that was modern in the virtues, and there are those who say the inadmissibility of the work done at all, and there are those who set conditions to work in the virtues of work.


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