What is the meaning of jihad for God's sake

The concept of jihad in Islam poses a lot in our time, too much trying to change its meaning to him a semblance of "terrorist", and this is a far cry from the true Islamic religion. God has prescribed for the purposes of anti-Semitic, namely uphold the word of God in the land and the establishment of an Islamic Salim said the establishment of the law of God in the land and fight the infidels and aggressors.
Jihad in Islam means not an end, what is Jihad? What are the types and its ranks? The wisdom of the imposition of the jihad against the Muslims? What are the provisions and conditions? What are the virtues?


Definition of jihad:

Jihad language: the effort or the effort, which is the effort and energy. The idiomatically jihad "legitimately": it is the effort to fight the infidels and the polytheists and the like who harbors evil for Muslims. This is your sense of jihad in Islam.
Mattresses and types of jihad:

- First place: jihad of the soul, which is four types:
1. to yourself struggling to learn the true guidance.
2. Working with guidance after learning.
3. call for guidance.
4. patiently the difficulties and troubles invitation.

- Second place: Jihad devil is of two types:
1. jihad on the cast of suspicion.
2. struggle to pay the cast of suspicions

The first certainty and the second patient.

- Third place: Jihad infidels and hypocrites, the three types, respectively:
1. jihad with the tongue
2. Jihad with money and soul
3. Jihad heart, "which is the weakest of faith."
He says: "rush lights and heavies and strive with your wealth and yourselves."
[Repentance: 41]

- Fourth place: jihad people of innovation and evil, which is also three types
1. Hand If saucepan.
2. tongue.
3. If the inability of the heart of the tongue.

The wisdom of the imposition of Jihad:

- Almighty Allah on Muslims absurd provisions does not impose, so the jihad for
   Allah has goals and objectives Semitism, including:
1. guide people to the right to worship God alone and not to its involvement. He says: "And
    fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah." [Anfal: 39]
2. oppressed people and raise the injustice against them: He says: "What you are not
    fighting for the sake of God and vulnerable men, women and children who say: Our 
    Lordbrought us out of the village and its unjust and make for us from Thee, and to make  
    for us from Thee a helper." [Women: 75]
3. defense of the homeland and the earth, and the symptoms and money and lives: 
    Hesays: "the sacred month and the Holy month of privacy punishment it attacked 
    Vaatdoa him as much as they attacked you, and fear Allah and know that Allah is with 
    those. [Al-Baqarah: 194]

Provisions of jihad and conditions:

Jihad for the sake of God is the imposition of the adequacy of the Muslims, jihad of the soul, but it is an individual duty. The Jihad hath terms and conditions should be provided in the struggling namely:

1.altklev: the sense that the adult of sound mind.
2.aharih: any to be free is not a slave for one.
3.akaddrh: that has the ability and strength to fight.
4.alzkorah: to be a male, women did not impose on them jihad.
5.azn parents: A Muslim does not struggling that did not allow him and his parents this,
   jihad should be only with their free.
6.azn guardian: No Muslim struggling alone without the permission of the guardian of
   Muslims and their imam.

Fadl Jihad and the dignity of the Mujahideen in the process:

The jihad is a means of entering Paradise, he is the cause of forgiveness and mercy, God says in His Holy Book: "He answered them, Lord, I do not take the work of any of you male or female, from some of those who emigrated and were driven from their homes and traumatized was going and fought and died for their sins Okfrn and Odechlnhm Gardens underneath which rivers reward from God, and God has a good Iwab(, and the cause of jihad to escape the fire, as stated in an interview with Abu Abdulrahman bin Jabr frowned: "what Agberta Abdul forward in the way of Allah Vthompsh fire."

In addition, the dignity of the Mujahideen are not enjoyed by others, for God's sake Vamajahdon alive with their Lord, the Almighty said: "And do not tell anyone who kills in the way of Allah dead, but alive, but perceive not." The smell of blood the Day of Resurrection be Krih musk As stated in an interview with Abu Huraira in the correct "and whose Hand, what km speak for God, but came Doomsday Khaith Day km. To color the color of blood, and the stench of the scent of musk." It also eases them the effects of death, as the five narrated only the father of David bail Hassan Abu Huraira that the Prophet, peace be upon him said: "What finds martyr of mass murder but also find one of you has touched Nip». And many other virtues enjoyed by the Mujahideen in the way of Allah and uphold his word.


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