Hajj and what it takes to do Hajj


According to the Koran it to go to the House of God on a pilgrimage for those who possessed the ability in terms of money, health and wellness and security of himself and of his successor would leave them. He says: "God and the people pilgrimage to the House he has the means and whoever disbelieves, God goes Worlds"; it was utter disbelief in this verse of Gramsci's rejection of this duty with the possible.

Since the lifting of Abraham to the rules of the old house and the prophets, peace be upon them it does not hesitate to perform the Hajj until the number of prophets who pilgrimages House of God reached seventy prophet of whom Moses, and the hood, and they favor peace.


What needs to be done Hajj

Before the pilgrims went to Mecca on them to do the following: 

  • Held intention to sincere repentance and not to return to sin and guilt after returning from the Hajj; Alhaji says: O Lord, and I regretted Tibet will not go back to sin and guilt again.
  • Eliminate debt and financial rights of the subjects in custody pending Haj, albeit on a Haj our inability to repay; he must request permission from the owner and Alastmhal the rejection does not come out for the pilgrimage.
  • Re what the Haj of the deposit and the secretariats of their respective owners.
  • Re grievances; any soul-searching before traveling for the Hajj; it turns out that you have wronged someone you should go and beg forgiveness and pardon him.
  • Sincerity of intention Hajj and disbursed to God is not a request for hypocrisy or reputation or trade benefit.
  • Bid farewell to the parents, wife and children and friends saying: God, I commit my religion and misappropriate the last verses of your business.
  • Two raka'ah before coming out of the non-obligatory; as you read in the first rak'ah Al unbelievers, and in the second Surah sincerity.
  • Self Treaty not to commit a sin or a sin Haj pilgrimage, and that the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah bless him and applied, and devote himself to perform acts of worship and good deeds on time, and to avoid controversy and strife and quarreling and preoccupation with people he could.


On the eighth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah Hajj is washed and deprived of pilgrimage, then head to Mina with crowds of pilgrims with talbiyah, after prayers at dawn on the ninth Pilgrims flock to Mount Arafat and stay there praying, shouting heeded until sunset, then aversion pilgrims begin to Muzdalifah and go to bed where the night that after collecting the pebbles, and in the morning kicks off the pilgrims to throw their stones, then go to Mecca to perform ifaadah then slaughtering, shaving or cutting the hair, then return to Mina again and stability for three days to perform the stoning ritual Aumia- anthrax Minor and Central Kabry-, then go to Mecca to perform Tawaf farewell and leave Mecca to home.


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