Is it permissible to kiss the wife in Ramadan

Is it permissible to kiss the wife in Ramadan

Is said to rule in kissing spousal permissible; Vtaqbil man to his wife, conducting it in a time of fasting is permissible and there is no embarrassment, because the Prophet Mohammed _alih prayer and Alsalam_ he accepts his wives when he was fasting and Abeshrhn he is fasting, too, but where we are the strength of the faith of the Prophet _saly be upon Slm_, the fasting person is feared to fall into sin came to kiss his wife because of the speed of his desire, that hated him, the sperm descended upon him even constipation breakfast and spend the day no expiation it ... and God knows best.
                          Is ,it, permissible, to ,kiss, the, wife, in, Ramadan
It is also said in the ruling on kissing wife in Ramadan, the referee was different between that man is young and Benedict or too old; young person _mn prudent best and Alhdhir_ him get away from his wife, as Epta for all the reasons that can be expected in the sanctity of intercourse, narrated Aisha God bless them recounted that the Prophet _alih prayer and Alsalam_ that he accepts his wives as fast , he says: "Which of you and have the Lord what he had Allah bless him and his family and him"? Valtaqbil is a type of direct. Vnstantj ruling from the foregoing that it is permissible for a man to accept his wife's elderly, because it does not lead it normally engage in sexual intercourse, and that occurred in intercourse, then he has a big Atonement fasting for two consecutive months.

As for the young man should be away from his wife, a time of fasting, so as a matter of prudence and caution, but if before it was infected, it is not a thing of the land, because kissing is permitted, but the cause of preventing it is to bridge the excuse, if we assume that a young man strong Married in religion and obedience to God, and God knows the limits and beyond it, he may do whatever God does not deprive the jejunum, but intercourse, the problem lies in that in controlling the instincts, in this case, the precaution is better than falling into sin ... and God knows best.


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