What are the conditions of fasting in Ramadan

Praise be to God, who cherished the best nation out of people to Islam and filed Balqraan .. Then prayer and peace upon the best land, the best of prayed and fasted, the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ibn Abdullah, honest and trustworthy, and after ..
Topic: Terms fasting in Ramadan.

           What ,are ,the ,conditions, of ,fasting ,in ,Ramadan

First: What Hua fasting:

Fasting is abstaining from food and drink, from before sunrise, until sunset, before dawn and even ears of Morocco. And plugged a great reward, to ensure God Almighty him, but that God Almighty has named Pope in paradise is called Bab Al-Rayyan not enter non-fasters, Fasting is a great reward to endure slave hardships and fatigue and effort for God Almighty.

Second: What are the conditions that must be provided for them to accept the fasting of the slave?

Fasting conditions, and these conditions are divided into three types: the terms should be, and the conditions of validity, the conditions should be healthy and together.
Conditions that must be available in person until it imposes fasting and accepted from him are the following conditions:

First, the conditions should be fasting:

1. puberty: It must be a great person in charge, and puberty against childhood do not accept the fasting of the boy or small, for saying (peace be upon him), "The pen is lifted from three: the boy until he grows , and sleeping until he wakes up, and mad even wake up. "
2. Ability: a person must be able to fasting, should not be on the disabled or the patient or Almsttia a particular purpose.
3. Residence: a person must be a resident is traveling, it should not be fasting for a traveler is Muqtadir.

Second, the conditions of validity of fasting:

1. intention: a person must spend the intention of fasting in his heart, because the basis of all the work intention of saying (peace be upon him), "but business intentions, but each man that which he intended."
2. Discrimination: a person must be a distinct and conscious, it is true of the boy's lack of discriminatory intent and knowledge of worship Amaaniera.
3. decade stainless fasting: In Ramadan fasting obligation and this is known, but in other forbidden days holiday as a day or days of al deprives the three fasting.

Third, the conditions should be and the health of fasting, should not be fasting is not valid without it:

1. Islam: that a person is a Muslim, appeared resigned to God alone, and blasphemy against Islam, fasting is not accepted by the infidel.
2. mind: to be a person is conscious and of sound mind, and against madness and foolishness do not accept the fasting of crazy fools and the like.
3. Purity of menstrual blood and postpartum: Women menstruating women bleeding following childbirth, depriving them of fasting but have a duty to them to spend the fast at a time other than this time, because Aisha (may Allah be pleased with them and complacency) "We were Nhad at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) Venamr spend fasting is not enjoined to make prayer."


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