Ruling on listening to songs without music

             Ruling, on, listening ,to, songs, without ,music
Listen to songs in the Islamic religion is forbidden according to the consensus of scholars and clerics, there is no good in the songs, not her words, because it calls for immorality and debauchery, and prevent the spread of virtue and chastity, and when a person stops listening to music when he heard the words Aloaana again it will return to hear it again. When we hear the words it is prohibited shall be listening and uttered forbidden, even if without music. But if speech is permitted shall be Halal hear it, and not be performing these songs on the road to the Persians, but that was the way the people of the West and promiscuity and immorality they are ungodly.

So in the words of Almighty God in His Holy Book: (buys fun talking to stray from the path of God interpreted by the public commentators: singing, and it was Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him swear on it and says: ( Singing sprouts hypocrisy in the heart as herbs grow water) in an interview with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he said: (There will be among my ummah people regard as permissible zina, silk, alcohol and musical instruments) Bukhari.

And musical instruments are: the fun and sing the song and machines, which permitted the legality of singing will be asked on the Day of Judgment, because he had said to God without knowledge, and has done a fatwa void.

Ibn 'he said, singing the abstract music, and other machines, such as playing fiddle, and compared them, it may be provided that his audience includes things lead to sedition, and the most important condition is that the man does not stem from what he must establish prayer with the congregation. And conclude from this speech that without musical instrument scientists devised two opinions are:

1) the singing of women for women, the words of Hassan Tayyip is halaal, but as fall within the framework of the Sacred is a women singing in front of men, women on the campus of the prayers, or raise one's voice in the presence of men.

2) be from man to man we are given the words of the article, it was a good speech is permissible, though Rvel shall be forbidden, and what was his audience haram is haram, and what was his word goes this is permissible, and a lot of the songs is Mahmoud.

Religious songs: that was good and acceptable words, do not play in the emotions and does not contain obscenities and done by man to man or women for women is halaal, and what was accompanying his music, was one of the women to men, it is religiously, and if this music in this way they it is not religious, but whether fakes add to the people hearing it as a religious, God, how is he his ankle it contains music is not a religion in anything?

But if free of the music was from man to man, or woman to woman: and speech may be good to hear.

In the end we say that you should stay away from all that is forbidden because God Christespena on all the work we have done the Day of Resurrection, and the scholars remind people that the anniversary may benefit Almaman, and we know the ruling on listening to the songs that he is forbidden and that it must be replaced by the words of Hassan beneficial contains no depravity and debauchery and we can dispense with these songs Islamic Strophic containing words useful and contains sermons and judgment, not to speak Bugger.


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