Forbidden Transactions in Islamic law

           Forbidden, Transactions, in ,Islamic, law

Types of Forbidden Transactions in Islamic law:

- Selling before taking possession of the Scion: for saying peace be upon him ((bought from food do not sell it even takes possession))

- Selling Muslim over: for saying peace be upon him ((Aaabie to one another and to sell some Aiktab one another sermon some)) and image of his brother to buy merchandise with five dinars says to him the other refunded to the owner and I sell it to you four.

- Selling Nagh: for saying peace be upon him ((To Atnajhoa)) and Nagh mean increase in Item inadvertently buy but to sign them Alsoam Victroha Vigrr buyer.

- Muharram and Nagh for saying God bless him (God forbidden the sale of alcohol, dead meat, pork and idols)) Sale (.

- Selling Maver tricked: is not permitted to sell the fish The sea and the birds in the air if it is not Mhaz for saying peace be upon him ((Atchetroa to fish in the water, it tricked)).

- Sale of two transactions in the pledge of allegiance: what was narrated that Allah bless him, he forbade two transactions in the pledge of allegiance, is not permissible for a Muslim to two transactions take place in the pledge of allegiance and one has three pictures: I will sell the thing with ten or five to the order goes on sale did not indicate any Albaotain been spent, including to say to him, I will sell this house, for example, such and such that followed me as well as such and such, and sells them to a different dinar two things, for example, goes on the contract and did not know any buyer has bought two things !!.

- Religion religion sale: what he Rdanh God bless him, he forbade the sale of kale Balcala any sale of the religion of the religion, it is not permissible for a Muslim to sell our religion, it is the ruling on selling zero Palmtm if you be a man Guentaran to order when the solution term debtor deficit the performance of you and he tells you Bniha fifty dinars to order.

- Sample Sale: for saying peace be upon him ((If people thought dinar and dirham and Tbaaawa eye and follow the tails of cows and abandoned jihad for the sake of Allah revealed to them the scourge did not bump them up to us to review their religion)) and thus is not permissible for a Muslim to sell something to the order, and then buy it those who sold it to him for less than he sold it, and this is the essence of riba al.

- Selling today for Paddy: for saying peace be upon him ((to Aaabie lectured felt let people alive God from each other)) ie if Badi Owalgrayb came from the country, a commodity they want to sell in the market at a price Aovernmma, may not urban to tell him leave the item I have and I I will sell it to you days later at a price of more than Saraleom and people in need of this item.

- The purchase of riders: for saying peace be upon him ((to Atelqgua stirrups, and sells lectured for iPad)) is not permissible for a Muslim if he hears a commodity to come to the country come out to receive from the stirrups outside the country Victrea them there and then enter and sells them as willing, because of the damage to the people country of dealers and others.

- Selling Almasrah: for saying peace be upon him ((not Tsroa camels and sheep, it is in turn bought after it Bgiralnzeran after Ihtalpha willing grabbed if he wishes refunded saa pass)) which is not permissible for a Muslim to refers a sheep or a cow or a camel in the sense that combines milk in Dharaha like a milch people want to buy, Vipheaha, because of the fraud and deception and damage.

- Selling on the last call for Friday prayers is not permissible for a Muslim to sell something, or buy, on Friday and Imam on the pulpit of the verse {O ye who believe! When the call to prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave your trading}

- Selling Almzabnh: what about Roy God bless him, he ((forbade Almzabnh)) and Almzabnh are selling Majhl weight or promise or his agent, Bmalom of Bmjhol of the same sex or of the same sex.

The wisdom behind the prohibition on these sales, because of the damage that leads to eating people's money unlawfully, and fraud leading to provoke hatred and conflicts and rivalries, and it is clear to us Islam is keen that financial transactions are transparent and credible and no harm to others.


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