Why God has forbidden pork

The prohibition on pork

(Say I do not find in what has been revealed to the taboo on the feeder being fed only be dead or blood poured forth or pork, it is an abomination) Koran, cattle (145), which already conclude that pork campus itself (it is an abomination) Like the other hovering mentioned in the Koran it has been deprived of the bug under them; Valhah example Halal eating it if it is slaughtered properly, and if they are dead or slaughtered to God forbidden fruit.


The reason for the prohibition on pork

Perhaps you, dear reader wondering about the reason for the prohibition of pork with that creature of God's creatures, and why if he created? The following is an overview of the pig show you why God has forbidden pork :

Pork : Is the animal Bhma two sevenths, fleshy herbaceous, which eat everything; garbage waste and impurity, a predator it eats rats and mice, as well as carrion until Jeff peers. Herein lies the benefits it wipes out the land from the filth it is a broom animal, Risk and diseases carried by the pig inside his body as numbering (450) disease, (57) including a parasite transmitted to humans and kills him, which is the main source of epidemic diseases, because his body contains (27) epidemic disease, also contributes to hardening of pork Alhrain it contains a very high amount of cholesterol, unlike the rest of the animals, and lead to infertility, cirrhosis of the liver and various cancers.

Viral diseases in pork

  • NBA virus (Nipah Virus): in Malaysia in 1998 to know the world of this deadly virus, symptoms of influenza-like symptoms, doctors believed that the virus infected fruit bat, which in turn transferred to pigs, he died 117 injured.
  • Medical follow-ups have shown that all the injured have had a close relationship with pigs, therefore the health services in Malaysia to kill a million pigs. Japanese encephalitis virus (Japanese encephalitis): infected birds by mosquitoes and moved to the pigs, and thus hit the pig breeders in East Asia, the virus causes encephalitis in humans, and in some cases, be dead.
  • Brain and heart inflammation virus (encephalomyocarditis): pigs feed on rats and Jarran is a repository for this dangerous virus infection will take you from rats to pigs to humans, which causes inflammation of the brain and heart, resulting in the lives of the injured. 

Bacterial diseases caused by pork

  • Asalmonya bacteria (salmonellosis): typhoid, and bar typhoid, food poisoning, diseases caused by Asalmonya.
  • Bacteria malignant erysipelas (bacillus antharacis): from Allhamyin and tanners move these malicious bacteria, in the form of a red plate, incendiary hands, accompanied by a rise in temperature, chills and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
In addition to these diseases flatworms, tapeworms, nematodes and cylindrical borne this abomination animal to human.

After all this, we stand in front of a miracle of legislation, the blessed who said, (and replace them with good things and prohibits them as evil). These facts about the discovery of science pork prove congruence between religion and modern scientific facts.


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