What is the ruling on listening to songs in the month of Ramadan

Ramadan, the month of good deeds, and the increase in the Sunan and redundancy, which is the month of the Qur'an and faith, where Muslims requesting a pardon of God and his forgiveness, which is the month to change the soul, which is thirty days, if the Muslim behavior continued on something left it; so it is a great opportunity to change for the better, and this change be in obedience was remiss before Ramadan, bringing them. he continued, in Sunan uncertain after the obligatory prayer was not performed, Valtzm after Ramadan performance, as well as for transgressions and sins, Framadan references between them and the Muslims, if the determination to change himself and removed, and so for listening to music .
            What ,is, the, ruling ,on, listening, to ,songs, in, the, month of Ramadan

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Before entering into the legal provisions, which came only the consent of each sound mind, there are questions: Are those who read the Koran, and hear the songs or sing? But Are those the same person at the same point of view, when a reader of the Koran, and when the listener to sing? Are those haf the Koran, and the harmony singing ?! Is there a link between the two is possible that unites them?

The Word of God Glorified and Exalted far above all human beings pests, from the words of the bearish talk and fun, was contained in the Koran verses explicitly that it does not meet in the middle of one's hearts, there is no human being honest sincere in his works, Asba between opposites, between the Word of God Glorified the Almighty, and the fun talking and singing, between tranquility and dignity carried by the verses of the Koran, and the noise and the Rapture carried by the lyrics, for example Aistoaan !!

Singing was contained in the Koran word (fun to talk), the scientists said that singing and backbiting, and all that is bad ineffable tongue, or Tstmah ear, he says: "It is the people who buy fun talking to stray from the path of Allah without knowledge, and take a jest, those torment them insulting. "

Wahidi said: "Most commentators that what is meant Blho talk to sing," said Abu Sahba: "I asked Ibn Mas'ud about this verse, he said: (God, which no other god is singing) repeated three times," and this provision Bhrmanih singing, a dissolute words seductress , it is every day, not to Ramadan, according to, but during Ramadan Hrmanih more and more directed towards good deeds; therefore Hrmanith more and more dangerous.

It wants to join in singing his heart and the Koran, in front of him is two things:
Either accept that it is said that a hypocrite; it carries the contradictions within it, or to give up one of them, give up the light, that shines through his life, or give up the fun, which feels blissfully fake for a short time and then ends.

This is evidence that listening to music is forbidden by the Quran and Sunnah:
God told the polytheists who turned away from listening to the Quran: "Whom this modern Taajabun said. And laugh and weep. And you Samdon."
The Messenger of Allah peace be told upon him: (Mlonan two voices in the world and the Hereafter, oboe when grace, clang when calamity). 


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