How washing of the impurity

              How ,washing ,of, the, impurity

How washing of the impurity

Recipe ghusl fully separated Ibn Qudaamah in the singer, he said: "Comes complete the ten things: faith, label, and washed his hands three times, and laundered it from harm, and ablutions, and Agesa on the head three times, and tells her hair assets, and the water overflows the rest of his body, it starts right apartment and massaged his body with his hand, and moves from one position to wash shall wash old, and desirable that the pickled origins of his hair and beard with water before Afadth him, Ahmad said: the washing of the impurity on the interview with Aisha, which Roy with her :"The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - if bathed from the impurity washed his hands three times, and wudoo 'as for prayer, then pickled his hair with his hand, even if he thought he could Arwa skin elaborated upon the water three times, then wash the rest of his body,"

Washing differs from the ablution equivalents and its obligations, in the character and quality, Washing of two types:
  • Thorough washing: intended, then called, and then washed his hands three times, and then wash what it gets hurt, then ablution and escorts for prayer, then Agesa on the head three handfuls, recounts the origins of his hair, and then water overflows on the rest of his body, starts right apartment and then left, and massage his body, with the delivery of water to take care of his body and all his hair. That is because in the correct Maymoonah God bless her, she said : " Put the Prophet - peace be upon him - the water washed it, Vofrg on his hands, Vgzlema two or three times, and then emptied his right hand to the north, washing the Mmakirh, then knead his land, then rinse and inhaled, then wash his face and hands, then wash his head three times, and then emptied on his body, and then stepped down from his place, the washing the feet. "
  • Washing fractionator: it's that removes him from uncleanness, and intends to, and called, and then prevail panning his body until his mouth, his nose, and his hair apparent, and inwardly.

Triggers washing of the impurity 

The washing triggers six, namely:
  • Semen out of the pleasure is asleep, it was not asleep it requires the existence of pleasure, which is called a wet dream. 
  • Faraj in the absence of the glans, which is known as convergence of two circumcised parts when, any sexual intercourse, for an interview :" When a man sits between the four people, then the effort must have the washing,"agreed. And increased Ahmad and Muslim: "and that did not come down."
  • Islam infidel.
  • Exit menstrual blood, the blood of black rotten, Irkhih woman's womb, and come out of kisses case of health, the disconnection clause to the health of washing him.
  • The blood of mortality, which is outside of the blood by the woman because of childbirth, and washing all of the above obviates the ablution, because the smaller the event enters the biggest event, not the opposite, it is sufficient for ablution washing in any of them.
  • Death, is a martyr who is killed wrongfully battle and not Igslan.

The rule of washing of the impurity 

Janaabah impose consensus of the Muslims, he says: "And if you Vatehroa side", table / 6. It is not permissible for a Muslim to leave the wash impurity in any case, if a stern warning had been received in the right of the palace in the dissemination of his hair and skin with water to wash the impurity, including how he left college, narrated that Ali may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said: " Leave the subject of a hair of janaabah not touched by water, an act of God do such and such from the fire, "narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood.

It leaves the washing of the impurity is not without a lay along, either to leave the prayer, so Mtardha the wrath of God, immediate and deferred, and his sentence, and be guilty of a large are of the greatest sins, the largest of adultery, drinking alcohol, and killing oneself, but becoming the infidel out of the pale when many scientists, either to pray in the case Jnapth, also shall be guilty of a major sin, is it out of the pale when some scientists as they tap, they say that it is deliberately prayer without purity of atonement that, contrary to the public, nor indivisible links to those unanimously does not discharge them discharged.

Benefits washing of the impurity

Washing of the impurity when many government benefits, alerted by the son of values ​​in I'laam, where he said: "This is one of the greatest virtues of law and included him compassion, wisdom, and interest, the semen comes out of the entire body, and that is God Almighty strain he called, because it is coming from the entire body, and the urine for he is the abundance of food and drink impossible in the stomach, bladder, Vtother hull when maniy greatest influenced by the exit of urine, and also the washing of semen most useful thing for the body, the heart, the soul, but all the lives list to the body, it strengthens showers, and washing succeed him as biodegradable him the exit of semen, and this is known sense, and also the impurity had to be heavier and Kassala. and washing happen to him active and lightness, but this Abuzar said what bathed from the impurity "as if thrown me a lamb." The virtuous doctors said that Showering after sex brings to the hull strength, succeeds him as the decomposition of it, and it is the most beneficial thing for the body and soul, and leave it harmful, is enough reason and instinct certificate mole. "

Sayings from the washing of the impurity

  • Roy Aisha Mother of the Believers God bless her, she said: "The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - if bathed from the impurity: Wash hands, wudoo 'as for prayer, then showered, and then pickled his hand, his hair, even if he thought he could Arwa his skin, elaborated upon the water three times, then wash the rest of his body, "he stated in the correct.
  • Roy Ms. auspicious girl Harith, the wife of the Prophet - peace be upon him - she said: "does wudoo Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and light impurity, Vokvo with his right hand to the north two or three times, then washed his private parts, then hit his ground or wall twice or three times, then washed his private parts, then rinse and inhaled and wash his face and arms, then elaborated on the head with water, then wash his body, then stepped down, washing the feet, said: Votih cloth did not bring it again and started to shake his hand, "stated in the correct. Remembrance washing of the impurity

Remembrance washing of the impurity

The Remembrance washing are the same Remembrance ablution, where Muslim start label saying, "In the name of God the Merciful," and ends by saying, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, God, make me of those who repent, and me among those who purify themselves." There are ad hoc prayers when taking a bath, and a male is basmalah. Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: "Lester between the eyes of the jinn and SINS sons of Adam, if they put their clothes, to say the name of Allah", Tirmidhi and

Alogsal undesirable

Washing in on Friday and was told obligatory. It is better preserved.
Washing of Ihram when Umrah or Hajj.
Bathe in Eid.
Washing wash dead.


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