Definition of everything connected to talk of Prophet Muhammad

Prophetic tradition

Companions has taken care of the Holy Quran and kept everything the AA and Surat Surat, and characters, characters, and so did both followed the Prophet, peace be upon him and all those who came after him until he reached us preserved from distortion and switch , as they took care of all the sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his actions and imitated him and kept everything that was done, he is sincere and the amount of the God Almighty, and it may Allah bless him and commanded by god and is infallible, he says: ((and a passion * it is only a revelation revealed)) An-Najm.

                      Definition, of, everything, connected, to, talk ,of ,Prophet ,Muhammad

When the speeches of God be upon him during the Farewell Pilgrimage ordered informs everything he said, Muslims knew that they must keep everything released him, peace be upon him, and actually did so as recounted conversations with him, either frequent verbal meaning, or only in the sense, either famous and either correct substantiated fixed, and followed him in his qualities and his actions so that some companions followed the way of his walk, peace be upon him.

Hadith definition

Is all that is narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him said or done or report, or recipe defects or malformations, has been awarded the companions of all the provisions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and they were interested in it and kept it and did all that was done.

Is follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him the duty of the Muslims, and the Muslim earns more reward when God Almighty. 

The importance of the Hadith

  • Interpretation of what came in the Koran orders and legislation, Prayer For example, the command of Allah Almighty to abide by and performed, but did not elaborate number Rkaaadtha, and conditions, and provisions of, and dates, and the method of ablution, but the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him interpreted by Muslims everything that goes on around them, and taught them the proper way.
  • Earn a reward, the worship of Almighty God as ordered and as he likes, the one who read the Hadith find how to worship God and ways to gain satisfaction and reward.

Types of hadith

Were classified conversations that told about the Prophet, peace be upon him to types depending on the narrator of the novel ways, as the number of these Alonoa reached sixty-five species, the most famous of these types:
  • Modern right: a modern-Misnad who transferred in from all narrated from Justice officer from its inception until its limit, it should not be weird not justified, and is considered by Bukhari and Muslim first collection of authentic hadiths.
  • Talk Hassan: It is not to be attributed to those who accuse falsely, and be talking not gay, this is the definition of modern Tirmidhi Hassan.
  • Talk weak: it is all talk lacked the qualities of the right to talk and talk Hassan. 


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