Hadith frequent definition


Is the Hadith of the sources of Islamic legislation, it is all released by the truthful Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said or done or report or recipe congenital or birth, has arrived to us an interview with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him through what is known as the novel, which is that tells the men bail related to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him through a series of narrators trustworthy reverse, was interested Muslim scholars of modern knowledge and cared for in ways novel talk and classified into grades according to modern health and weak force, and in this article we will look for one of the ways to tell us to talk a frequent talk, what is frequent talk and what are the main conditions that must be it.

                        Hadith, frequent ,definition

Frequent talk

Is one way of telling the Hadith Sharif, as the word frequency in the language means the relay and sequence, but define the meaning of frequent talk in the term forensic is hadith narrated collection of narrators and number, many of them so that these narrators is characterized by confidence and precision in transport, honesty, truthfulness, and impossible to agree to lie and Etwataoa it.

We mean talk frequently as we have said to be his version of a large number, and to clarify this matter show that modern scholars who were interested men narrators to talk has divided the history of the narrators of men into classes, so each support of the grounds layer of narrators, and here is frequent talk is the modern novel a large number of narrators in each layer of support, this modern, where the scholars differed in the number of narrators who is the frequent talk in each layer was a lot less this is ten narrators who are known for their honesty and trust and the impossibility of collusion to lie.

To be modern-characterized as frequently among these men multitude trustworthy narrators must be linked to the sense they have; it was to be redeemed frequent as we have heard or seen, and other sensory predicates in the novel, based on the frequent talk and precision accuracy conditions is an interview taken by a not accept frequency and definitively conclusive, he is honest talk is true acceptable when all the scholars.

With the news of the frequency of modern and strong conditions, we find it is not as often that the conversations Sundays a hadith which has been done by one person and otherwise frequent talk terms, it is the conversations Almtwath remind modern succulent God is, and talk, which all raise your hands in prayer and other conversations frequent which is lower than other conversations irrigated news Sundays.


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