Hassan modern definition

Hadith definition

Hadith is defined as all of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of words or actions, reports or prescriptions defects or congenital, but the words are all that came out of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and all that comes out of it than saying is right does not come out of it but the truth of God be upon him, and the acts are done by peace be upon him, and he saw the companions do it Frooha him, and the report is intended to what was in the time of the Prophet (PBUH) Voqrh or one of his companions he saw do Voqrh him, as well as his attributes peace be upon him in his morals in an interview are created tells him God's peace be upon him.

The importance of the Hadith

And the Hadith is an essential source of Islamic legislation, and is the second source of legislation after the Koran and the Hadith explains the Koran and shown to the people and explain laws and regulations in terms of Halal and Haram and so on, but its significance and importance of the pillar in the scientists have hadith gave the greatest attention The study, they founded what is known as the science of the modern and through which all knowledge of degrees talking in terms of health and weaknesses, and much of modern grades and rankings .

Hadith sections

To talk to the Prophet's two main two Metn and Sindh, and tenderloin intended to talk what he said or did, or approved or description of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, while the bond is a series of narrators who delivered the us this talk , text was this talk orthoses through a series of men so and so from so and so so talk up to its limit, which the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him. 

Degrees Hadith

To talk to the Prophet's degrees or types in terms of strengths and weaknesses and so even if some of them have conducted these degrees to sixty-five a kind or degree as the Imam Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir, the ruling Alnisabure Sheikh modernists, and these types: the right, and the weak, and Hassan, caller, and raised and harvested, and interrupted, and fraudulent, abnormal, and evil, and the sender, and suspended, and in this article will talk about the modern-Hassan.

Talk Hassan

The majority of scholars say that modern-Hassan in the protest is Kasahih, Imam Tirmidhi talk Hasan knew by saying that the modern-Hassan (which is not to be attributed to the accused of lying I mean men who recounted talking Balsnd- not be newly gay, and tells of the non-face).

As stated in the right modern-Hassan many definitions, for being located in the middle of talking between the right and the weak, so we find him a definition also said rhetorical: (is what is known as its director, and best known for his men, and therefore over the more modern, which is accepted by scientists and used by scholars).

Therefore, we find that all the jurists had protested talking Hassan, and unanimously agreed on his health in the protest, this was the gratification of them for the modern novel, Hassan, and taking him, not in this reference to the weakness in any way .


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