what is the ruling on tattoos in islam

             what, is ,the ,ruling ,on, tattoos, in ,islam

Are tattoos haram

Tattoos in the language is the mark and collected and tattoo Ushaim either in terminology is that Aloashim stick a needle into the skin until blood comes out and then put over some of the material, such as kohl or indigo to become a Blue or green color

The majority of scholars and jurists have gone to the tattoo in Islam is forbidden, because the Lord some valid chatter in the cursed tattooing and Almtsucmh It is these conversations Ibn Omar - God bless them - said: ((cursed the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -allowasalh and Almstouselp and tattooing and Almstouchmp) ) but some scholars Maliki went to hatred.

The scholars went on to tattoo unclean, because the blood has been trapped in that place, the scientists said it must Aloashim or Almatuszmh repent to God from the act due to his religion and that the removal of this tattoo tries if it was not in eluting harm to the person.

As for the new way of tattooing namely copyright scholars say that the wisdom of the rule of henna painting or drawing, it is permissible for women only conditions

1. Stay away from being a depiction of an organism
2. make it clear that this tattoo eye-catching or clearly draws a man to look
3. make it clear that the work in a manner similar ways kaafir women and sluts
4. that the woman asking her permission Zoukha Qublalom

How washing of the impurity

              How ,washing ,of, the, impurity

How washing of the impurity

Recipe ghusl fully separated Ibn Qudaamah in the singer, he said: "Comes complete the ten things: faith, label, and washed his hands three times, and laundered it from harm, and ablutions, and Agesa on the head three times, and tells her hair assets, and the water overflows the rest of his body, it starts right apartment and massaged his body with his hand, and moves from one position to wash shall wash old, and desirable that the pickled origins of his hair and beard with water before Afadth him, Ahmad said: the washing of the impurity on the interview with Aisha, which Roy with her :"The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - if bathed from the impurity washed his hands three times, and wudoo 'as for prayer, then pickled his hair with his hand, even if he thought he could Arwa skin elaborated upon the water three times, then wash the rest of his body,"

Washing differs from the ablution equivalents and its obligations, in the character and quality, Washing of two types:
  • Thorough washing: intended, then called, and then washed his hands three times, and then wash what it gets hurt, then ablution and escorts for prayer, then Agesa on the head three handfuls, recounts the origins of his hair, and then water overflows on the rest of his body, starts right apartment and then left, and massage his body, with the delivery of water to take care of his body and all his hair. That is because in the correct Maymoonah God bless her, she said : " Put the Prophet - peace be upon him - the water washed it, Vofrg on his hands, Vgzlema two or three times, and then emptied his right hand to the north, washing the Mmakirh, then knead his land, then rinse and inhaled, then wash his face and hands, then wash his head three times, and then emptied on his body, and then stepped down from his place, the washing the feet. "
  • Washing fractionator: it's that removes him from uncleanness, and intends to, and called, and then prevail panning his body until his mouth, his nose, and his hair apparent, and inwardly.

Triggers washing of the impurity 

The washing triggers six, namely:
  • Semen out of the pleasure is asleep, it was not asleep it requires the existence of pleasure, which is called a wet dream. 
  • Faraj in the absence of the glans, which is known as convergence of two circumcised parts when, any sexual intercourse, for an interview :" When a man sits between the four people, then the effort must have the washing,"agreed. And increased Ahmad and Muslim: "and that did not come down."
  • Islam infidel.
  • Exit menstrual blood, the blood of black rotten, Irkhih woman's womb, and come out of kisses case of health, the disconnection clause to the health of washing him.
  • The blood of mortality, which is outside of the blood by the woman because of childbirth, and washing all of the above obviates the ablution, because the smaller the event enters the biggest event, not the opposite, it is sufficient for ablution washing in any of them.
  • Death, is a martyr who is killed wrongfully battle and not Igslan.

The rule of washing of the impurity 

Janaabah impose consensus of the Muslims, he says: "And if you Vatehroa side", table / 6. It is not permissible for a Muslim to leave the wash impurity in any case, if a stern warning had been received in the right of the palace in the dissemination of his hair and skin with water to wash the impurity, including how he left college, narrated that Ali may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said: " Leave the subject of a hair of janaabah not touched by water, an act of God do such and such from the fire, "narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood.

It leaves the washing of the impurity is not without a lay along, either to leave the prayer, so Mtardha the wrath of God, immediate and deferred, and his sentence, and be guilty of a large are of the greatest sins, the largest of adultery, drinking alcohol, and killing oneself, but becoming the infidel out of the pale when many scientists, either to pray in the case Jnapth, also shall be guilty of a major sin, is it out of the pale when some scientists as they tap, they say that it is deliberately prayer without purity of atonement that, contrary to the public, nor indivisible links to those unanimously does not discharge them discharged.

Benefits washing of the impurity

Washing of the impurity when many government benefits, alerted by the son of values ​​in I'laam, where he said: "This is one of the greatest virtues of law and included him compassion, wisdom, and interest, the semen comes out of the entire body, and that is God Almighty strain he called, because it is coming from the entire body, and the urine for he is the abundance of food and drink impossible in the stomach, bladder, Vtother hull when maniy greatest influenced by the exit of urine, and also the washing of semen most useful thing for the body, the heart, the soul, but all the lives list to the body, it strengthens showers, and washing succeed him as biodegradable him the exit of semen, and this is known sense, and also the impurity had to be heavier and Kassala. and washing happen to him active and lightness, but this Abuzar said what bathed from the impurity "as if thrown me a lamb." The virtuous doctors said that Showering after sex brings to the hull strength, succeeds him as the decomposition of it, and it is the most beneficial thing for the body and soul, and leave it harmful, is enough reason and instinct certificate mole. "

Sayings from the washing of the impurity

  • Roy Aisha Mother of the Believers God bless her, she said: "The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - if bathed from the impurity: Wash hands, wudoo 'as for prayer, then showered, and then pickled his hand, his hair, even if he thought he could Arwa his skin, elaborated upon the water three times, then wash the rest of his body, "he stated in the correct.
  • Roy Ms. auspicious girl Harith, the wife of the Prophet - peace be upon him - she said: "does wudoo Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and light impurity, Vokvo with his right hand to the north two or three times, then washed his private parts, then hit his ground or wall twice or three times, then washed his private parts, then rinse and inhaled and wash his face and arms, then elaborated on the head with water, then wash his body, then stepped down, washing the feet, said: Votih cloth did not bring it again and started to shake his hand, "stated in the correct. Remembrance washing of the impurity

Remembrance washing of the impurity

The Remembrance washing are the same Remembrance ablution, where Muslim start label saying, "In the name of God the Merciful," and ends by saying, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, God, make me of those who repent, and me among those who purify themselves." There are ad hoc prayers when taking a bath, and a male is basmalah. Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: "Lester between the eyes of the jinn and SINS sons of Adam, if they put their clothes, to say the name of Allah", Tirmidhi and

Alogsal undesirable

Washing in on Friday and was told obligatory. It is better preserved.
Washing of Ihram when Umrah or Hajj.
Bathe in Eid.
Washing wash dead.

Forbidden Transactions in Islamic law

           Forbidden, Transactions, in ,Islamic, law

Types of Forbidden Transactions in Islamic law:

- Selling before taking possession of the Scion: for saying peace be upon him ((bought from food do not sell it even takes possession))

- Selling Muslim over: for saying peace be upon him ((Aaabie to one another and to sell some Aiktab one another sermon some)) and image of his brother to buy merchandise with five dinars says to him the other refunded to the owner and I sell it to you four.

- Selling Nagh: for saying peace be upon him ((To Atnajhoa)) and Nagh mean increase in Item inadvertently buy but to sign them Alsoam Victroha Vigrr buyer.

- Muharram and Nagh for saying God bless him (God forbidden the sale of alcohol, dead meat, pork and idols)) Sale (.

- Selling Maver tricked: is not permitted to sell the fish The sea and the birds in the air if it is not Mhaz for saying peace be upon him ((Atchetroa to fish in the water, it tricked)).

- Sale of two transactions in the pledge of allegiance: what was narrated that Allah bless him, he forbade two transactions in the pledge of allegiance, is not permissible for a Muslim to two transactions take place in the pledge of allegiance and one has three pictures: I will sell the thing with ten or five to the order goes on sale did not indicate any Albaotain been spent, including to say to him, I will sell this house, for example, such and such that followed me as well as such and such, and sells them to a different dinar two things, for example, goes on the contract and did not know any buyer has bought two things !!.

- Religion religion sale: what he Rdanh God bless him, he forbade the sale of kale Balcala any sale of the religion of the religion, it is not permissible for a Muslim to sell our religion, it is the ruling on selling zero Palmtm if you be a man Guentaran to order when the solution term debtor deficit the performance of you and he tells you Bniha fifty dinars to order.

- Sample Sale: for saying peace be upon him ((If people thought dinar and dirham and Tbaaawa eye and follow the tails of cows and abandoned jihad for the sake of Allah revealed to them the scourge did not bump them up to us to review their religion)) and thus is not permissible for a Muslim to sell something to the order, and then buy it those who sold it to him for less than he sold it, and this is the essence of riba al.

- Selling today for Paddy: for saying peace be upon him ((to Aaabie lectured felt let people alive God from each other)) ie if Badi Owalgrayb came from the country, a commodity they want to sell in the market at a price Aovernmma, may not urban to tell him leave the item I have and I I will sell it to you days later at a price of more than Saraleom and people in need of this item.

- The purchase of riders: for saying peace be upon him ((to Atelqgua stirrups, and sells lectured for iPad)) is not permissible for a Muslim if he hears a commodity to come to the country come out to receive from the stirrups outside the country Victrea them there and then enter and sells them as willing, because of the damage to the people country of dealers and others.

- Selling Almasrah: for saying peace be upon him ((not Tsroa camels and sheep, it is in turn bought after it Bgiralnzeran after Ihtalpha willing grabbed if he wishes refunded saa pass)) which is not permissible for a Muslim to refers a sheep or a cow or a camel in the sense that combines milk in Dharaha like a milch people want to buy, Vipheaha, because of the fraud and deception and damage.

- Selling on the last call for Friday prayers is not permissible for a Muslim to sell something, or buy, on Friday and Imam on the pulpit of the verse {O ye who believe! When the call to prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave your trading}

- Selling Almzabnh: what about Roy God bless him, he ((forbade Almzabnh)) and Almzabnh are selling Majhl weight or promise or his agent, Bmalom of Bmjhol of the same sex or of the same sex.

The wisdom behind the prohibition on these sales, because of the damage that leads to eating people's money unlawfully, and fraud leading to provoke hatred and conflicts and rivalries, and it is clear to us Islam is keen that financial transactions are transparent and credible and no harm to others.

Ruling on listening to songs without music

             Ruling, on, listening ,to, songs, without ,music
Listen to songs in the Islamic religion is forbidden according to the consensus of scholars and clerics, there is no good in the songs, not her words, because it calls for immorality and debauchery, and prevent the spread of virtue and chastity, and when a person stops listening to music when he heard the words Aloaana again it will return to hear it again. When we hear the words it is prohibited shall be listening and uttered forbidden, even if without music. But if speech is permitted shall be Halal hear it, and not be performing these songs on the road to the Persians, but that was the way the people of the West and promiscuity and immorality they are ungodly.

So in the words of Almighty God in His Holy Book: (buys fun talking to stray from the path of God interpreted by the public commentators: singing, and it was Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him swear on it and says: ( Singing sprouts hypocrisy in the heart as herbs grow water) in an interview with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he said: (There will be among my ummah people regard as permissible zina, silk, alcohol and musical instruments) Bukhari.

And musical instruments are: the fun and sing the song and machines, which permitted the legality of singing will be asked on the Day of Judgment, because he had said to God without knowledge, and has done a fatwa void.

Ibn 'he said, singing the abstract music, and other machines, such as playing fiddle, and compared them, it may be provided that his audience includes things lead to sedition, and the most important condition is that the man does not stem from what he must establish prayer with the congregation. And conclude from this speech that without musical instrument scientists devised two opinions are:

1) the singing of women for women, the words of Hassan Tayyip is halaal, but as fall within the framework of the Sacred is a women singing in front of men, women on the campus of the prayers, or raise one's voice in the presence of men.

2) be from man to man we are given the words of the article, it was a good speech is permissible, though Rvel shall be forbidden, and what was his audience haram is haram, and what was his word goes this is permissible, and a lot of the songs is Mahmoud.

Religious songs: that was good and acceptable words, do not play in the emotions and does not contain obscenities and done by man to man or women for women is halaal, and what was accompanying his music, was one of the women to men, it is religiously, and if this music in this way they it is not religious, but whether fakes add to the people hearing it as a religious, God, how is he his ankle it contains music is not a religion in anything?

But if free of the music was from man to man, or woman to woman: and speech may be good to hear.

In the end we say that you should stay away from all that is forbidden because God Christespena on all the work we have done the Day of Resurrection, and the scholars remind people that the anniversary may benefit Almaman, and we know the ruling on listening to the songs that he is forbidden and that it must be replaced by the words of Hassan beneficial contains no depravity and debauchery and we can dispense with these songs Islamic Strophic containing words useful and contains sermons and judgment, not to speak Bugger.

Who are the ten promised Paradise

              Who ,are, the, ten, promised, Paradise

Who are the ten promised Paradise

Preached by the Prophet - peace be upon him - a group of his companions in Paradise, including the ten missionaries heaven, they are: (1)
  • Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, and his name is Abdullah ibn Abi dipper Taymi bin Amer al-Qurashi.
  • Umar bin al-Qurashi Neville infection.
  • Uthman ibn Abi al-Aas Umayyad Qurashi.
  • Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi.
  •  Zubair bin Awam bin Khuwaylid Asadi Qurashi.
  • Talha bin Obeid-Allah ibn Osman Taymi Qurashi.
  • Abdul Rahman bin Awf ibn Abd al-Qurashi Auf syphilis.
  • Saad bin Abi Waqas Ben Wahib al-Qurashi syphilis.
  • Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah Amer bin Abdullah bin Jarrah Al Harthy Qurashi.
  • Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr al-Qurashi infection. 

Abu Bakr

  • Abu Bakr was born in Mecca in 573 AD after the elephant two years and six months, and died on Monday 22 Jumada II 13 years e, the age of 63 years, succeeded after him, Omar bin al-Khattab.
  • Shares Abu Bakr lot in spreading Islam among the people and defend it, and stop a lot next to the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - in front of the infidels, and had a contribution to the emancipation process in the hands of the infidels, and so by buying them, free them and free them from their torment.
  • Abu Bakr, occupies a prominent place in the heart of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him; he is his friend, and his companion, Abu wife, and was companion of the Prophet peace be upon him in his emigration from Mecca to the city, and it was his refuge, safe, and Javi secret.
  • Abu Bakr witnessed with the Prophet - peace be upon him - the Battle of Badr whole scenes, has not missed a sight of them.
  • Abu Bakr was keen on the lack of talk, for fear of a fall is him speaking, he said to the advocates: "If you preach the Messenger of Allaah, the garrulous offend each other."
  • When the Prophet - peace be upon him, died - the Koran was not all together after, but it was preserved in the issuance of maintaining and, in the book of Revelation newspapers, suggested Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him to abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him to collect the Koran in the Koran and one, for fear of Diaper to die, hurting some verses of the Koran.

Omar bin al-khattab

  • Omar bin born Khattab may Allah be pleased with him after the Prophet - peace be upon the birth of him - Bhawwal thirteen years, has been busy in his youth trade, has been received from the Prophet - peace be upon him - it's called God Almighty that glorify Islam one of the ages: Amr bin Hisham (Abu Jahl) or Umar ibn al-Khattab, and he heard God Almighty to him, and he became Muslim Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him in the fifth year of the call, and his conversion to Islam was a manifest victory.
  • Aslam Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him while Khabab bin Aratt heard and he knows the Koran to his sister Fatima and her husband, and when he heard the Holy Prophet asked to see peace, and gave up his hands in the fifth year of the mission.
  • Bzhdh knew his strength and to show the truth and the defense of Islam, and he was strong not afraid of anyone.
  • Omar bin al-Khattab was may Allah be pleased with him tall, and was next to Obeefa Timnh, which he was using both hands, and he was doing to inspect his flock at night as they slept, and gives each house of what is missing .
  • Omar bin al-Khattab was killed in a plot hatched by the Persians and the Jews, and was carried out by a Persian man named Abu Lu'lu'ah, it has slipped into the mosque and the age-based begin to dawn prayers, Aftan Caliph Boukngerh several stab wounds and died later age may Allah be pleased with him died of the poison found in the knife.

Othman bin Affan

  • Born Othman bin Affan may Allah be pleased with him in Taif, in the sixth year after the elephant, he has been named relegated lights because he married two daughters of the daughters of the Prophet - peace be upon him - where he married paper first, then after her death he married Umm Kulthum.
  • Prophet - peace be upon him - told him that every prophet companion, and my companion in Paradise Osman.
  • Best known may Allah be pleased with him purely self, as it was a horse, a lot of humility, modesty a gym.
  • Aslam Othman bin Affan after the mission at the hands of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq.
  • Uthman is the first to have to immigrate to Abyssinia, where he emigrated with his wife, God bless her paper, girl Prophet, peace be upon him.
  • People gathered on one reading of the Koran, and the rest of the burning of copies, then copy is the only copy and distribute in the regions.

Ali bin Abi Talib

  • Is the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the husband of his daughter Fatima God bless her, was born in 53 prior to migration, and is one of the first to believe, with the Prophet - peace be upon him - from the boys, the age of about ten years, as mentioned by historians.
  • Knah Prophet - peace be upon him - my father Alrihantin, intended them Hassan and Hussein, also mentions other Bukhari Knah nickname of the Prophet - peace be upon him - the Abu Turab.
  • Nam in the prophet peace be upon him a bed on the night of immigration, with the knowledge that he is at risk of murder in this case.
  • Apostle participated - peace be upon him - in all his conquests.
  • Knew Ali bin Abi Talib Bzhdh, and his humility, his love of the Prophet, and his sacrifice for him, and for his generosity and sincerity 

Zubair bin Awam

  • Born 28 years before the migration, and died in 36 years of migration.
  • His mother is the girl Safia Abdul Muttalib, aunt of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
  • Prophet, peace brotherhood between him and Talha bin Obeid-Allah in the fraternity that occurred in Mecca.
  • Of the noblest qualities that it has launched a talk show that he was the Prophet peace be upon him. 

Talha bin Obeid-Allah

  • The former to Islam.
  • Knah Prophet peace be upon him by several names, including: Talha goodness, and Talha al-Fayad.
  • Born 28 years before the migration, and died in 36 years of migration.
  • He was married to Umm Kulthum girl Abu Bakr, has married the other three women, each one of them have a sister of the wives of the Prophet - peace be upon him - and he had fourteen of the boys were born.
  • All invasions Prophet saw him blessings and peace. 

Saad bin Abi Waqas

  • Saad may Allah be pleased with him many tears of fear of God.
  • The Saad bin Abi Waqas threw the first arrow in defense of Islam.
  • The safest in the seventeen years old, and died in 54 of migration. 

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

  • He called the Prophet peace be upon him the secretary of this nation.
  • Of the qualities he was meek and humble.
  • He killed his father, an atheist, in the Battle of Badr.
  • Abu Obeida died of the plague of Emmaus. 

Abdul Rahman bin Auf

  • A promised Paradise.
  • Aslam at the hands of Abu Bakr early was one of the first Muslims.
  • Emigrated to Abyssinia and to the city.
  • Attended all scenes with the Prophet, peace be upon him.
  • Buried next to Othman bin Mazon may Allah be pleased with him when he died. 

Saeed bin Zaid

  • A promised Paradise.
  • It is the cousin of Omar bin al-Khattab, and the husband of his sister Fatima girl discourse, and it was the former to Islam with his wife.
  • He answered the call. The famous story with Arwa girl AWS; where Hkth to Marwan I, and claimed that it grabbing something from her house, he called God Almighty to go and so blinded by the sight of it is false, Fmat. 

Why his ten promised Paradise

There are plenty of companions who preached to the Prophet peace be upon him in heaven, but the ten missionaries said at one time and in the modern one, so maybe they have found together in one Council, the Prophet peace be upon him together Vzlm, in the novel from Abu Dawood and others for the Saeed bin Zaid said: "I certify that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, I heard him, he says: ten in Paradise: the Prophet in Paradise, and Abu Bakr in Paradise , and life in paradise, and Osman in paradise, and Ali in Paradise, and Talha in Paradise, and Zubair bin Awam in paradise, and Saad bin Malik in paradise, and Abdul Rahman bin Auf in paradise, even if you want to named X , said: said: who is he? remained silent, he said: They said: who is he? he said, is Saeed bin Zaid, "

Why God has forbidden pork

The prohibition on pork

(Say I do not find in what has been revealed to the taboo on the feeder being fed only be dead or blood poured forth or pork, it is an abomination) Koran, cattle (145), which already conclude that pork campus itself (it is an abomination) Like the other hovering mentioned in the Koran it has been deprived of the bug under them; Valhah example Halal eating it if it is slaughtered properly, and if they are dead or slaughtered to God forbidden fruit.


The reason for the prohibition on pork

Perhaps you, dear reader wondering about the reason for the prohibition of pork with that creature of God's creatures, and why if he created? The following is an overview of the pig show you why God has forbidden pork :

Pork : Is the animal Bhma two sevenths, fleshy herbaceous, which eat everything; garbage waste and impurity, a predator it eats rats and mice, as well as carrion until Jeff peers. Herein lies the benefits it wipes out the land from the filth it is a broom animal, Risk and diseases carried by the pig inside his body as numbering (450) disease, (57) including a parasite transmitted to humans and kills him, which is the main source of epidemic diseases, because his body contains (27) epidemic disease, also contributes to hardening of pork Alhrain it contains a very high amount of cholesterol, unlike the rest of the animals, and lead to infertility, cirrhosis of the liver and various cancers.

Viral diseases in pork

  • NBA virus (Nipah Virus): in Malaysia in 1998 to know the world of this deadly virus, symptoms of influenza-like symptoms, doctors believed that the virus infected fruit bat, which in turn transferred to pigs, he died 117 injured.
  • Medical follow-ups have shown that all the injured have had a close relationship with pigs, therefore the health services in Malaysia to kill a million pigs. Japanese encephalitis virus (Japanese encephalitis): infected birds by mosquitoes and moved to the pigs, and thus hit the pig breeders in East Asia, the virus causes encephalitis in humans, and in some cases, be dead.
  • Brain and heart inflammation virus (encephalomyocarditis): pigs feed on rats and Jarran is a repository for this dangerous virus infection will take you from rats to pigs to humans, which causes inflammation of the brain and heart, resulting in the lives of the injured. 

Bacterial diseases caused by pork

  • Asalmonya bacteria (salmonellosis): typhoid, and bar typhoid, food poisoning, diseases caused by Asalmonya.
  • Bacteria malignant erysipelas (bacillus antharacis): from Allhamyin and tanners move these malicious bacteria, in the form of a red plate, incendiary hands, accompanied by a rise in temperature, chills and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
In addition to these diseases flatworms, tapeworms, nematodes and cylindrical borne this abomination animal to human.

After all this, we stand in front of a miracle of legislation, the blessed who said, (and replace them with good things and prohibits them as evil). These facts about the discovery of science pork prove congruence between religion and modern scientific facts.

What is the ruling on listening to songs in the month of Ramadan

Ramadan, the month of good deeds, and the increase in the Sunan and redundancy, which is the month of the Qur'an and faith, where Muslims requesting a pardon of God and his forgiveness, which is the month to change the soul, which is thirty days, if the Muslim behavior continued on something left it; so it is a great opportunity to change for the better, and this change be in obedience was remiss before Ramadan, bringing them. he continued, in Sunan uncertain after the obligatory prayer was not performed, Valtzm after Ramadan performance, as well as for transgressions and sins, Framadan references between them and the Muslims, if the determination to change himself and removed, and so for listening to music .
            What ,is, the, ruling ,on, listening, to ,songs, in, the, month of Ramadan

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Before entering into the legal provisions, which came only the consent of each sound mind, there are questions: Are those who read the Koran, and hear the songs or sing? But Are those the same person at the same point of view, when a reader of the Koran, and when the listener to sing? Are those haf the Koran, and the harmony singing ?! Is there a link between the two is possible that unites them?

The Word of God Glorified and Exalted far above all human beings pests, from the words of the bearish talk and fun, was contained in the Koran verses explicitly that it does not meet in the middle of one's hearts, there is no human being honest sincere in his works, Asba between opposites, between the Word of God Glorified the Almighty, and the fun talking and singing, between tranquility and dignity carried by the verses of the Koran, and the noise and the Rapture carried by the lyrics, for example Aistoaan !!

Singing was contained in the Koran word (fun to talk), the scientists said that singing and backbiting, and all that is bad ineffable tongue, or Tstmah ear, he says: "It is the people who buy fun talking to stray from the path of Allah without knowledge, and take a jest, those torment them insulting. "

Wahidi said: "Most commentators that what is meant Blho talk to sing," said Abu Sahba: "I asked Ibn Mas'ud about this verse, he said: (God, which no other god is singing) repeated three times," and this provision Bhrmanih singing, a dissolute words seductress , it is every day, not to Ramadan, according to, but during Ramadan Hrmanih more and more directed towards good deeds; therefore Hrmanith more and more dangerous.

It wants to join in singing his heart and the Koran, in front of him is two things:
Either accept that it is said that a hypocrite; it carries the contradictions within it, or to give up one of them, give up the light, that shines through his life, or give up the fun, which feels blissfully fake for a short time and then ends.

This is evidence that listening to music is forbidden by the Quran and Sunnah:
God told the polytheists who turned away from listening to the Quran: "Whom this modern Taajabun said. And laugh and weep. And you Samdon."
The Messenger of Allah peace be told upon him: (Mlonan two voices in the world and the Hereafter, oboe when grace, clang when calamity). 


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